BSc Fashion Buying and Merchandising

Year of entry: 2024

Course unit details:
Raw Materials for Fashion

Course unit fact file
Unit code MATS11201
Credit rating 20
Unit level Level 4
Teaching period(s) Semester 1
Available as a free choice unit? No


Students will be introduced to important textile terms that are in common use.


 The unit aims to introduce the students to automated and innovative technologies for fashion production, and continuing understanding of manual and semi-automated textiles processes. Technologies within the field of fabric construction (weaving and knitting) fabric enhancement (printing), consideration to aesthetics together with novel and alternative material fabrication and other enhancement processes, such as laser technology; together with an opportunity to develop an understanding of the interface between technologies and design issues within textiles for fashion applications:  The practical textile workshops and textile technology demonstrations, together with a series of lectures, seminars, independent study and student led research will introduce the student to the following areas:  • USP  • Fabric/ Technology in fashion  • Concept of function design  • Commercial use of innovation  • Consumer needs  • Creative thinking  • Fabric

Learning outcomes

A greater depth of the learning outcomes are covered in the following sections:

  • Knowledge and understanding
  • Intellectual skills
  • Practical skills
  • Transferable skills and personal qualities

Teaching and learning methods

This unit will cover the theory and technology behind the raw materials needed for fashion. Students will be introduced to important textile terms that are in common use.  Consideration will be given to different fibres and to the advantages and disadvantages of different fabric manufacturing techniques.  The suitability of fabric selection and fitness for purpose will be considered in respect of the differing properties of fabrics. Each week a series of videos, reading material and live sessions will develop and give context to the Unit topics

Knowledge and understanding

  • Identify and explain various textile terms and fibre types;
  • Outline and explain the processes that takes place in fabric manufacturing;
  • Discuss the production of textile and fashion items in relation to product requirements.

Intellectual skills

  • Employ technical knowledge appropriate to fabric development to support decision making in different contextual situations
  • Select various fibres, textile materials and fabric production methods and relate their appropriateness according to intended end use.

Practical skills

  • Specify appropriate manufacturing systems to fulfil specific product requirements

Transferable skills and personal qualities

  • Communicate using  technical language appropriate for the fashion and textile industry;
  • Demonstrate an ability to work independently and team-working skills.

Assessment methods

Method Weight
Other 50%
Written exam 50%

Feedback methods

Feedback given written and oral

Recommended reading

Core Text:

Sinclair, R. (2015) Textiles and Fashion: Materials, Design and Technology, Woodhead Publishing Series in Textiles

Taylor, M. A. (2007) Technology of Textile Properties, Forbes Publications UK.

Hallett, C. and Johnston, A. (2010) Fabric for Fashion, Laurence King Publishing UK

Elsasser, V. H. (2007) Textiles: Concepts and Principles, Fairchild Publications Inc. USA

Sinclair, R. (2015) Textiles and Fashion: Materials, Design and Technology, Woodhead Publishing Series in Textiles  

Recommended Reading:

Gale, C. and Kaur, J (2004) Fashion and Textiles: An Overview, Berg Publishers

Udale, J. (2008) Textiles and Fashion, AVA Publishing SA

Cohen, A. C. and Johnson, I. (2010) J. J. Pizzuto’s Fabric Science, Fairchild Publications Inc. USA

Keiser, S. J. and Garner, M. B. (2008) Beyond Design: The Synergy of Apparel Product Development, Fairchild Publications Inc. USA  

Additional Sources:



Study hours

Scheduled activity hours
Lectures 22
Independent study hours
Independent study 178

Teaching staff

Staff member Role
Jane Wood Unit coordinator

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