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MSci Microbiology / Course details

Year of entry: 2024

Course unit details:
MSci Research Project

Course unit fact file
Unit code BIOL40010
Credit rating 120
Unit level Level 4
Teaching period(s) Full year
Available as a free choice unit? No


Students will complete a seven month laboratory project during which they will comprehensively test the hypothesis described within their research project proposal.  This will require multiple experimental approaches using current methods, data analysis, and the interpretation of the results to determine whether the proposed hypothesis is correct.  Students will also be expected to present their results in the format of a scientific talk, meeting abstract, poster presentation and a report in the format of a journal appropriate to their degree programme.



Unit title Unit code Requirement type Description
MSci Project Literature Review and Research Proposal BIOL33000 Pre-Requisite Compulsory
MSci Experimental Skills Module BIOL33012 Pre-Requisite Compulsory


Provide students with a thorough training in laboratory or field based research.

Teaching and learning methods

Through the writing of their research project proposal during year 3 students will have identified two members of academic staff whose research interests them.  During the final year of the MSci programmes they will complete their research project in one of these two laboratories.  Students will receive a comprehensive training in relevant research methods, data analysis and interpretation of results.  They will also learn how lines of scientific research are developed and how it can be necessary at times to adapt their initial hypothesis in the light of results.  Students will present their project and results as a scientific talk, meeting abstract, poster presentation and a report in the format of an appropriate journal.

Knowledge and understanding

  • Analyse complex biological processes at cellular, whole organism or ecosystem levels to generate novel and timely hypotheses
  • Design experimental approaches to address these hypotheses.

Intellectual skills

  • Design and interpret complex experiments, using diverse experimental approaches.
  • Interpret multiple lines of evidence to test a hypothesis.

Practical skills

  • Acquire experience of current life science methodologies appropriate to their degree programme.

Transferable skills and personal qualities

  • Work as part of research group.
  • Problem solve.
  • Present data as a scientific talk, meeting abstract, poster presentation and manuscript.
  • Project manage (time management, planning, meeting deadlines and milestones, addressing challenges, producing deliverables)

Assessment methods

Method Weight
Other 20%
Project output (not diss/n) 50%
Oral assessment/presentation 30%


Assessment task Length How and when feedback is provided


Scientific talk

10mins+5mins questions

Verbal feedback and comments form after the talk 10%
News and Views Articles <1000 words Annotated comments via Grademark 15%
Poster Presentation A1 poster

Annotated comments via Grademark Verbal Feedback at Poster Seession

Project Report 25 pages Annotated comments via Grade 50%
Project Performance n/a Verbal feedback from supervisor 5%


Feedback methods

Feedback is given throughout project supervision

Study hours

Scheduled activity hours
Project supervision 60

Teaching staff

Staff member Role
Martin Pool Unit coordinator

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