BA Latin and French

Year of entry: 2024

Course unit details:
Advanced Latin Language 2

Course unit fact file
Unit code CAHE30211
Credit rating 20
Unit level Level 3
Teaching period(s) Semester 1
Available as a free choice unit? Yes


This course-unit takes you on from CAHE 30111 Advanced Latin 1 to the next level. It involves (a) the accurate translation and linguistic comprehension of unseen texts (in verse and in prose); (b) the development of more advanced skills relating to the reading of Latin; (c) practice in unprepared translation from English into Latin. 


Pre/Co/Antirequisite units

Completion (with a mark of at least 40%) of CAHE30110 Advanced Latin 1. Students who have achieved marks below 40% in CAHE30110 Advanced Latin 1 are not permitted to proceed to CAHE30210 Advanced Latin 2. A COMPENSATED FAIL at Advanced 1 IS NOT SUFFICIENT. 




To continue the study of Latin language acquired at CAHE 30111 Advanced Latin 1, developing skills of reading a wider range of authors (in prose and verse), further consolidating knowledge and understanding of vocabulary and grammar, and developing active knowledge of the language, through translation both into and out of Latin. 




Knowledge and understanding

By the end of this course students will have/be able to:

  • read a wide range of passages from Latin authors, both verse and prose
  • further deepened their understanding of Latin grammar;
  • increased their engagement with Latin texts, by acquiring the rudiments of scansion, understanding the rules of Latin pronunciation and related issues in the language
  • increased knowledge of the Latin canon.

Intellectual skills

By the end of this course students will have/be able to:

  • further developed their ability in prose composition, translating both sentences and continuous passages of English into idiomatic Latin;
  • increased their capacity to translate unseen passages of Latin into English, with reduced assistance.

Practical skills

By the end of this course students will have/be able to:

  • developed fast and skilful use of language aids, such as dictionaries and grammars.


Transferable skills and personal qualities

By the end of this course students will have/be able to show:

  • self-discipline;
  • organisation;
  • problem solving.


Employability skills

The course supports the development of a large number of important employment skills, most notably the ability to understand, commit to memory, and successfully deploy the elements of a complex communication system. Conscientious study of an ancient language enhances understanding of English grammatical structures and broadens vocabulary, thereby enhancing the ability to communicate clearly, concisely and eloquently. Students of ancient languages also learn how to extract key elements from complex information and to identify, make sense of, and solve associated problems.

Assessment methods

Mid-semester test - 30%

In-person exam - 70%

Feedback methods

Feedback method

Formative or Summative

Written feedback on fortnightly homework exercises



Written feedback on summative assessment (mid-year exam)


Formative & Summative

Additional one-to-one feedback (during the consultation hour or by making an appointment).




Recommended reading

A. Leigh (2019) Latin Prose Composition: A Guide from GCSE to A Level and Beyond, Bloomsbury

J. Morwood (1999) Latin Grammar, Oxford, or some other suitable Latin grammar, plus any good Latin-English/English-Latin dictionary.  

Other materials will be provided on the VLN.  

Study hours

Scheduled activity hours
Seminars 33
Independent study hours
Independent study 167

Teaching staff

Staff member Role
Christian Laes Unit coordinator

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