BNurs Adult Nursing

Year of entry: 2024

Course unit details:
Clinical Placement 3 (Year 1)

Course unit fact file
Unit code NURS10082
Credit rating 20
Unit level Level 4
Teaching period(s) Semester 2
Available as a free choice unit? No


These practice based units take place over the second semester of year 1.  The units intended learning outcomes are mapped directly to the NMC Standards of Proficiency (NMC 2018) and represent the expected skills and attributes that students should meet by the end of year 1.  


The aim of this unit is provide students with the practical experience necessary to meet the NMC Standards of Proficiency (NMC 2018).

Teaching and learning methods

These are practice based units which are taught and assessed in practice

Knowledge and understanding

  • Understand and act in accordance with The Code: Professional standards of practice and behaviour for nurses and midwives and fulfil all registration requirements (1.1)
  • Understand and apply the principles of courage, transparency and the duty of candour, recognising and reporting any situations, behaviours or errors that could result in poor care outcomes (1.3)
  • Understand and maintain the level of health, fitness and wellbeing required to meet people’s needs for mental and physical care (1.6)
  • Understand the need to base all decisions regarding care and interventions on people’s needs and preferences, recognising and addressing any personal and external factors that may unduly influence your decisions (1.9)
  • Understand and apply the aims and principles of health promotion, protection and improvement and the prevention of ill health when engaging with people (2.1)
  • Demonstrate knowledge of epidemiology, demography, genomics and the wider determinants of health, illness and wellbeing and apply this to an understanding of global patterns of health and wellbeing outcomes (2.2)
  • Understand the factors that may lead to inequalities in health outcomes (2.3)
  • Demonstrate and apply knowledge of human development from conception to death when undertaking full and accurate person-centred nursing assessments and developing appropriate care plans (3.1)
  • Demonstrate and apply knowledge of body systems and homeostasis, human anatomy and physiology, biology, genomics, pharmacology, social and behavioural sciences when undertaking full and accurate person-centred nursing assessments and developing appropriate care plans (3.2)

Intellectual skills

  • Demonstrate an understanding of and the ability to challenge discriminatory behaviour (1.4)
  • Understand the demands of professional practice and demonstrate how to recognise signs of vulnerability in themselves or their colleagues and the action required to minimise risks to health (1.5)

Practical skills

  • Communicate effectively using a range of skills and strategies with colleagues and people at all stages of life and with a range of mental, physical, cognitive and behavioural health challenges (1.11)
  • Demonstrate the skills and abilities required to support people at all stages of life who are emotionally or physically vulnerable (1.12)
  • Demonstrate the skills and abilities required to develop, manage and maintain appropriate relationships with people, their families, carers and colleagues (1.13)
  • Provide and promote non-discriminatory, person-centred and sensitive care at all times, reflecting on people’s values and beliefs, diverse backgrounds, cultural characteristics, language requirements, needs and preferences, taking account of any need for adjustments (1.14)
  • Provide information in accessible ways to help people understand and make decisions about their health, life choices, illness and care (2.10)
  • Protect health through understanding and applying the principles of infection prevention and control, including communicable disease surveillance and antimicrobial stewardship and resistance (2.12)
  • Recognise and assess people at risk of harm and the situations that may put them at risk, ensuring prompt action is taken to safeguard those who are vulnerable (3.9)
  • Undertake routine investigations, interpreting and sharing findings as appropriate (3.11)
  • Demonstrate and apply an understanding of what is important to people and how to use this knowledge to ensure their needs for safety, dignity, privacy, comfort and sleep can be met, acting as a role model for others in providing evidence based person-centred care (4.1)
  • Demonstrate the knowledge and skills required to support people with commonly encountered mental health, behavioural, cognitive and learning challenges and act as role model for others in providing high quality nursing interventions to meet people’s needs (4.4)
  • Demonstrate the knowledge, skills and confidence to provide first aid procedures and basic life support (4.13)

Transferable skills and personal qualities

  • Demonstrate the numeracy, literacy, digital and technological skills required to meet the needs of people in their care to ensure safe and effective nursing practice (1.15)
  • Take responsibility for continuous self-reflection, seeking and responding to support and feedback to develop their professional knowledge and skills (1.17)

Assessment methods

Method Weight
Portfolio 100%

Feedback methods

Students will normally have the opportunity to receive feedback on formative work submitted prior to the summative assessment. Other feedback opportunities will also be available in class and online discussion boards. Online feedback is provided in Grademark. Provisional feedback based on internal marking will be made available prior to the Exam Board on the basis that these marks are yet to be ratified at the Exam Board and therefore may be subject to change. A standard feedback mechanism in Grademark is utilised across all undergraduate programmes within the School which provides detailed and constructive feedback on each component and aspect of assessment and identifies areas of strength and those aspects which could be enhanced.

Student feedback is obtained through open discussion forums on blackboard, in class discussions, via formal University unit evaluation forms and also qualitative, in house evaluations at the end of the unit. 

Recommended reading

Study hours

Scheduled activity hours
Practical classes & workshops 40
Placement hours
Placement 240

Teaching staff

Staff member Role
Michael Bird Unit coordinator

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