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BNurs Adult Nursing

Year of entry: 2024

Course unit details:
Applied Biosciences for Nursing Practice (Bioscience 2)

Course unit fact file
Unit code NURS23100
Credit rating 20
Unit level Level 5
Teaching period(s) Full year
Available as a free choice unit? No


This unit follows on directly from the NURS10030 Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology for Nursing Practice Unit completed in Year 1 of the programme. 
In Year 2, this unit aims to facilitate an increasing depth of knowledge and understanding of the biosciences as they are applied within nursing practice across all fields of nursing. It will continue to develop the students’ understanding of how disruption within bodily systems can lead to homeostatic imbalance and ill health and common pharmacological interventions. 
This knowledge can then be applied to the principles and safe practice of nursing. The unit follows a blended learning approach; utilizing teams-based learning (TBL) with interactive group work and combining recorded lectures with directed and independent study.


This unit aims to:

  • Enable students to further develop knowledge of how disruption within bodily systems can lead to homeostatic imbalance and ill health
  • Enable students to further develop their awareness of the importance of the biosciences in underpinning assessment, planning and delivery of nursing care
  • Enable students to develop and apply knowledge of pharmacology to the care of people and demonstrate the ability to progress to a prescribing qualification following registration (NMC proficiency 4.17)  

Learning outcomes

All learning outcomes are mapped to the NMC (2018) proficiency platforms

Teaching and learning methods

Teaching, in the form of lectures, field specific seminars, and e-learning materials will be aligned to the ILOs.. 
The assessment will provide an opportunity for students to utilise knowledge and apply intellectual skills to meet the ILOs, applying theory and evidence-base practice. . 

Knowledge and understanding

  • Apply knowledge and understanding of how pathophysiological changes on homeostatic mechanisms impact on normal physiological observations and mental health and wellbeing (NMC proficiency 3.2)
  • Demonstrate the knowledge and ability to respond proactively and promptly to signs of deterioration and sepsis or distress in mental, physical, cognitive and behavioural health and use this knowledge to make sound clinical decisions (NMC proficiency 4.10)
  • Apply knowledge and understanding of pharmacology and social and behavioural sciences when undertaking full and accurate person-centred assessment and developing appropriate care plan (NMC proficiency 3.2)
  • Apply knowledge of commonly encountered mental, physical, behavioural and cognitive health conditions, medication usage and treatments when undertaking full and accurate assessments of nursing care needs and when developing, prioritising and reviewing person-centred care plans (NMC proficiency 3.3)
  • Interpret results from routine investigations, taking prompt action when required by implementing appropriate interventions, requesting additional investigations or escalating to other (NMC proficiency 3.12)
  • Explain the mode of action and pharmacokinetics of commonly used drugs and how these may be altered, e.g. by age or renal impairment. (NMC proficiency 4.15)
  • Explain the indication, contraindications, incompatibilities, cautions and unwanted side effects of commonly used drugs and the impact of polypharmacy and over the counter medication usage (NMC proficiency 4.15)
  • Explain potential adverse effects of commonly used drugs and the steps to avoid/minimise, recognise and manage them (NMC proficiency 4.15)

Intellectual skills

  • Organise their knowledge into coherent descriptions of how the structure and function of the major anatomical body systems may be challenged or changed by disease and pharmacological substances. (NMC proficiency 3.2)
  • Apply and integrate pathology and pharmacology to explanations of disease processes.  (NMC proficiency 3.2)
  • Recognise and explain how knowledge of the biosciences contributes to the evidence-base underpinning nursing practice. (NMC proficiency 1.7; 1.9)

Practical skills

Students will be required to demonstrate their understanding of a variety of clinical skills and procedures that aid in performing accurate physical assessments and providing evidence-based nursing care within their respective fields of practice. In addition, they will apply their knowledge of the management of common pathologies to case studies, enabling them to recognise and manage signs of physiological deterioration and the need to customise treatment to meet the unique requirements of individuals. 

Transferable skills and personal qualities

  • Further develop skills for communicating complex and technical information in a logical and concise way recognizing the need to tailor the language depending upon the audience.  (NMC proficiency 4.3)
  • Demonstrate effective team working skills  (NMC proficiency 1.18)
  • Demonstrate the ability to keep complete clear, accurate and timely records. (NMC proficiency 1.16)

Assessment methods

Method Weight
Written exam 100%

Feedback methods

Students will normally have the opportunity to receive feedback on formative work via Grademark. Other feedback opportunities will also be available in class and online discussion boards. Online feedback is provided in Grademark. Provisional feedback based on internal marking will be made available prior to the Exam Board on the basis that these marks are yet to be ratified at the Exam Board and therefore may be subject to change. A standard feedback mechanism in Grademark is utilised across all undergraduate programmes within the School which provides feedback on each component and aspect of assessment.Student feedback is obtained through open discussion forums, in class discussions, via formal University unit evaluation forms and also qualitative, in-house evaluations at the end of the unit.  

Recommended reading

Study hours

Scheduled activity hours
Lectures 18
Seminars 24
Supervised time in studio/wksp 80
Independent study hours
Independent study 78

Teaching staff

Staff member Role
Claire Burns Unit coordinator

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