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BNurs Adult Nursing

Year of entry: 2024

Course unit details:
Year 2 Clinical Placement 1

Course unit fact file
Unit code NURS23141
Credit rating 20
Unit level Level 5
Teaching period(s) Semester 1
Available as a free choice unit? No


The unit’s intended learning outcomes are mapped directly to the NMC Standards of Proficiency (NMC 2018) and represent the expected skills and attributes that students should meet by the end of year 2.  


  • The aim of this unit is to provide students with the practical experience necessary to meet the NMC Standards of Proficiency (NMC 2018)

Learning outcomes

Each learning outcome is linked to the newly agreed NMC (2018) Standards of Proficiency. 

Teaching and learning methods

These are practice based units which are taught and assessed in practice

Knowledge and understanding

  • Understand and apply relevant legal, regulatory and governance requirements, policies and ethical frameworks to all areas of practice, differentiating where appropriate between the devolved legislatures of the United Kingdom (Standard 1.2)
  • Demonstrate an understanding of and the ability to challenge discriminatory behaviour (Standard 1.4)
  • Promote and improve mental, physical, behavioural and other health related outcomes by understanding and explaining the principles, practice and evidence base for health screening programmes (Standard 2.5)
  • Understand the importance of early years and childhood experiences and the possible impact on life choices, mental, physical and behavioural health and wellbeing (Standard 2.6)
  • Understand and explain the contribution of social influences, health literacy, individual circumstances, behaviours and lifestyle choices to mental, physical and behavioural health outcomes (Standard 2.7)
  • Explain and demonstrate the use of up to date approaches to behaviour change to enable people to use their strengths and expertise and make informed choices when managing their own health and making lifestyle adjustments (Standard 2.8)
  • Promote health and prevent ill health by understanding and explaining to people the principles of pathogenesis, immunology and the evidence base for immunisation, vaccination and herd immunity (Standard 2.11)
  • Demonstrate and apply knowledge of all commonly encountered mental, physical, behavioural and cognitive health conditions, medication usage and treatments when undertaking full and accurate assessments of nursing care needs and when developing, prioritising and reviewing person-centred care plans (Standard 3.3)
  • Understand and apply a person-centred approach to nursing care, demonstrating shared assessment, planning, decision making and goal setting when working with people, their families, communities and populations of all ages (Standard 3.4)
  • Demonstrate the ability to accurately process all information gathered during the assessment process to identify needs for individualised nursing care and develop person-centred evidence based plans for nursing interventions with agreed goals (Standard 3.5)
  • Effectively assess a person’s capacity to make decisions about their own care and to give or withhold consent (Standard 3.6)
  • Understand and apply the principles and processes for making reasonable adjustments and best interest decisions where people do not have capacity (Standard 3.7)
  • Interpret results from routine investigations, taking prompt action when required by implementing appropriate interventions, requesting additional investigations or escalating to others (Standard 3.10)
  • Identify and assess the needs of people and families for care at the end of life, including requirements for palliative care and decision making related to their treatment and care preferences (Standard 3.12)
  • Demonstrate the ability to work in partnership with people, families and carers to continuously monitor, evaluate and reassess the effectiveness of all agreed nursing care plans and care, sharing decision making and readjusting agreed goals, documenting progress and decisions made (Standard 3.13)
  • Demonstrate knowledge of when and how to refer people safely to other professionals or services for clinical intervention or support (Standard 3.14)

Intellectual skills

  • Understand and apply the principles of courage, transparency and the duty of candour, recognising and reporting any situations, behaviours or errors that could result in poor care outcomes (Standard 1.3)
  • Demonstrate resilience and emotional intelligence and be capable of explaining the rationale that influences your judgments and decisions in routine, complex and challenging situations (Standard 1.10)

Practical skills

  • Work in partnership with people to encourage shared decision-making, in order to support individuals, their families and carers to manage their own care when appropriate (Standard 4.2)
  • Demonstrate the knowledge, communication and relationship management skills required to provide people, families and carers with accurate information that meets their needs before, during and after a range of interventions (Standard 4.3)
  • Demonstrate the knowledge and skills required to support people with commonly encountered mental health, behavioural, cognitive and learning challenges and act as role model for others in providing high quality nursing interventions to meet people’s needs (Standard 4.4)
  • Demonstrate the knowledge and skills required to support people with commonly encountered physical health conditions, their medication usage and treatments and act as role model for others in providing high quality nursing interventions when meeting people’s needs (Standard 4.5)
  • Demonstrate the knowledge, skills and ability to act as a role model for others in providing evidence based nursing care to meet people’s needs related to nutrition, hydration and elimination (Standard 4.6)
  • Demonstrate the knowledge, skills and ability to act as a role model for others in providing evidence based, person-centred nursing care to meet people’s needs related to mobility, hygiene, oral care, wound care and skin integrity (Standard 4.7)
  • Demonstrate the knowledge and skills required to identify and initiate appropriate interventions to support people with commonly encountered symptoms including anxiety, confusion, discomfort and pain (Standard 4.8)
  • Demonstrate the knowledge and skills required to prioritise what is important to people and their families when providing evidence based person-centred nursing care at end of life including the care of people who are dying, families, the deceased and bereaved (Standard 4.9)
  • Demonstrate the knowledge and ability to respond proactively and promptly to signs of deterioration or distress in mental, physical, cognitive and behavioural health and use this knowledge to make sound clinical decisions (Standard 4.10)
  • Demonstrate the ability to manage commonly encountered devices and confidently carry out related nursing procedures to meet people’s needs for evidence-based, person-centred care (Standard 4.11)
  • Understand the principles of safe and effective administration and optimisation of medicines in accordance with local and national policies and demonstrate proficiency and accuracy when calculating dosages of prescribed medicines (Standard 4.13)
  • Demonstrate knowledge of pharmacology and the ability to recognise the effects of medicines, allergies, drug sensitivities, side effects, contraindications, incompatibilities, adverse reactions, prescribing errors and the impact of polypharmacy and over the counter medication usage (Standard 4.14)
  • Demonstrate knowledge of how prescriptions can be generated, the role of generic, unlicensed, and off-label prescribing and an understanding of the potential risks associated with these approaches to prescribing (Standard 4.15)
  • Apply knowledge of pharmacology to the care of people, demonstrating the ability to progress to a prescribing qualification following registration (Standard 4.16)
  • Demonstrate the ability to co-ordinate and undertake the processes and procedures involved in routine planning and management of safe discharge home or transfer of people between care settings (Standard 4.17)

Transferable skills and personal qualities

  • Demonstrate the knowledge, skills and ability to think critically when applying evidence and drawing on experience to make evidence informed decisions in all situations (Standard 1.8)
  • Demonstrate the ability to keep complete, clear, accurate and timely records (Standard 1.16)
  • Demonstrate the knowledge and confidence to contribute effectively and proactively in an interdisciplinary team (Standard 1.18)
  • Identify and use all appropriate opportunities, making reasonable adjustments when required, to discuss the impact of smoking, substance and alcohol use, sexual behaviours, diet and exercise on mental, physical and behavioural health and wellbeing, in the context of people’s individual circumstances (Standard 2.4)
  • Use appropriate communication skills and strength based approaches to support and enable people to make informed choices about their care to manage health challenges in order to have satisfying and fulfilling lives within the limitations caused by reduced capability, ill health and disability (Standard 2.9)

Assessment methods

Method Weight
Portfolio 100%

Feedback methods

Students will normally have the opportunity to receive feedback on formative work submitted prior to the summative assessment. Other feedback opportunities will also be available in class and online discussion boards. Online feedback is provided in Grademark. Provisional feedback based on internal marking will be made available prior to the Exam Board on the basis that these marks are yet to be ratified at the Exam Board and therefore may be subject to change. A standard feedback mechanism in Grademark is utilised across all undergraduate programmes within the School which provides detailed and constructive feedback on each component and aspect of assessment and identifies areas of strength and those aspects which could be enhanced.

Student feedback is obtained through open discussion forums on blackboard, in class discussions, via formal University unit evaluation forms and also qualitative, in house evaluations at the end of the unit. 

Recommended reading

Study hours

Scheduled activity hours
Practical classes & workshops 40
Placement hours
Placement 200

Teaching staff

Staff member Role
Margaret Prise Unit coordinator

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