BNurs Mental Health Nursing

Year of entry: 2024

Course unit details:
Year 3 Clinical Placement 2

Course unit fact file
Unit code NURS31312
Credit rating 20
Unit level Level 6
Teaching period(s) Semester 2
Available as a free choice unit? No


The unit intended learning outcomes are mapped directly to the NMC standards of proficiency (2018) and represent the expected skills and attributes that students should meet by the end of year 3.


  • The aim of this unit is provide students with the practical experience necessary to meet the standards of education for nurses (NMC 2018).

Teaching and learning methods

  • Work Based Learning

Knowledge and understanding

  • Understand the principles of effective leadership, management, group and organisational dynamics and culture and apply these to team working and decision making (5.1)
  • Understand and apply the principles of human factors, environmental factors and strength based approaches when working in teams (5.2)
  • Understand the principles and application of processes for performance management and how these apply to the nursing team (5.3)
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the roles, responsibilities and scope of practice of all members of the nursing and interdisciplinary team and how to make best use of the contributions of others involved in providing care (5.4)
  • Understand the mechanisms that can be used to influence organisational change and public policy, demonstrating the development of political awareness and skills (5.12)
  • Understand and apply the principles of health and safety legislation and regulations and maintain safe work and care environments (6.1)
  • Understand the relationship between safe staffing levels, appropriate skills mix, safety and quality of care, recognising risks to public protection and quality of care, escalating concerns appropriately (6.2)
  • Comply with local and national frameworks, legislation and regulations for assessing, managing and reporting risks, ensuring the appropriate action is taken (6.3)
  • Acknowledge the need to accept and manage uncertainty, and demonstrate an understanding of strategies that develop resilience in self and others (6.11)
  • Understand the role of registered nurses and other health and care professionals at different levels of experience and seniority when managing and prioritising actions and care in the event of a major incident (6.12)
  • Understand health legislation and current health and social care policies, and the mechanisms involved in influencing policy development and change, differentiating where appropriate between the devolved legislatures of the United Kingdom (7.2)
  • Understand the principles of health economics and their relevance to resource allocation in health and social care organisations and other agencies (7.3)
  • Identify the implications of current health policy and future policy changes for nursing and other professions and understand the impact of policy changes on the delivery and coordination of care (7.4)
  • Understand and recognise the need to respond to the challenges of providing safe, effective and person-centred nursing care for people who have co-morbidities and complex care needs (7.5)
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the complexities of providing mental, cognitive, behavioural and physical care services across a wide range of integrated care settings (7.6)
  • Understand how to monitor and evaluate the quality of people’s experience of complex care (7.7)
  • Understand the principles and processes involved in supporting people and families with a range of care needs to maintain optimal independence and avoid unnecessary interventions and disruptions to their lives (7.8)
  • Facilitate equitable access to healthcare for people who are vulnerable or have a disability and demonstrate the ability to advocate on their behalf when required and make necessary reasonable adjustments to the assessment, planning and delivery of their care (7.9)
  • Understand the principles and processes involved in planning and facilitating the safe discharge and transition of people between caseloads, settings and services (7.10)

Intellectual skills

  • Demonstrate the ability to challenge and provide constructive feedback about care delivered by others in the team, and support them to identify and agree individual learning needs (5.9)
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of exercising political awareness throughout their career, to maximise the influence and effect of registered nursing on quality of care, patient safety and cost effectiveness (7.13)

Practical skills

  • Safely and effectively lead and manage the nursing care of a group of people demonstrating appropriate prioritisation, delegation and assignment of care responsibilities to others involved in providing care (5.5)
  •   Exhibit leadership potential by demonstrating an ability to guide, support and motivate individuals and interact confidently with other members of the care team (5.6)
  • Demonstrate the ability to monitor and evaluate the quality of care delivered by others in the team and lay carers (5.7)
  • Support and supervise students in the delivery of nursing care, promoting reflection and providing constructive feedback, and evaluating and documenting their performance (5.8)
  • Contribute to supervision and team reflection activities to promote improvements in practice and services (5.10)
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the principles of improvement methodologies, participate in all stages of audit activity and identify appropriate quality improvement strategies 6.4)
  • Demonstrate the ability to accurately undertake risk assessments in a range of care settings using a range of contemporary assessment and improvement tools (6.5)
  • Identify the need to make improvements and proactively respond to potential hazards that may affect the safety of people (6.6)
  • Understand how the quality and effectiveness of nursing care can be evaluated in practice and demonstrate how to use service delivery evaluation and audit findings to bring about continuous improvement (6.7)
  • Demonstrate an understanding of how to identify, report and critically reflect on near misses, critical incidents, major incidents and serious adverse events in order to learn from them and influence their future practice (6.8)
  • Work with people, their families, carers and colleagues, to develop effective improvement strategies for quality and safety, sharing feedback and learning from positive outcomes and experiences, mistakes and adverse outcomes and experiences (6.9)
  • Apply an understanding of the differences between risk aversion and risk management and how to avoid compromising quality of care and health outcomes (6.10) Demonstrate the ability to identify and manage risks and take proactive measures to improve the quality of care and services when needed (7.11)

Transferable skills and personal qualities

  • Effectively and responsibly use a range of digital technologies to access, input, share and apply information and data within teams and between agencies (5.11)
  • Understand and apply the principles of partnership, collaboration and interagency working across all relevant sectors (7.1)
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the processes involved in developing a basic business case for additional care funding, by applying knowledge of finance, resources and safe staffing levels (7.12)

Assessment methods

Method Weight
Portfolio 100%

Feedback methods

Students will normally have the opportunity to receive feedback on formative work submitted prior to the summative assessment. Other feedback opportunities will also be available in class and online discussion boards. Online feedback is provided in Grademark. Provisional feedback based on internal marking will be made available prior to the Exam Board on the basis that these marks are yet to be ratified at the Exam Board and therefore may be subject to change. A standard feedback mechanism in Grademark is utilised across all undergraduate programmes within the School which provides detailed and constructive feedback on each component and aspect of assessment and identifies areas of strength and those aspects which could be enhanced.

Student feedback is obtained through open discussion forums on blackboard, in class discussions, via formal University unit evaluation forms and also qualitative, in house evaluations at the end of the unit. 

Recommended reading

Study hours

Scheduled activity hours
Practical classes & workshops 40
Placement hours
Placement 200

Teaching staff

Staff member Role
Elizabeth Podesta Unit coordinator

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