BNurs Mental Health Nursing / Course details

Year of entry: 2024

Course unit details:
Nurse Educator in Practice

Course unit fact file
Unit code NURS41012
Credit rating 15
Unit level Level 7
Teaching period(s) Semester 2
Available as a free choice unit? No


This is a level 7 unit that focuses on the nurse's role as an educator in practice, supervising and assessing learners . It builds on year 3 course unit Nurse as a Facilitator of Learning which focused on patient/service user/carers learning needs.
Delivery of the unit  follows a flexible hybrid model with a variety of resources and modes of learning including  virtual/digital platforms,  seminars, and group work on campus. This approach to learning capitalises on student's ability to study independently (self-regulation), and provides opportunities for students to engage in collaboration, co-creation and production to meet the required learning outcomes.
There is an opportunity for  learners to engage in debate and discussion related to new and innovative developments in nurse education ad associated disciplines  

The Nurse Education in Practice unit  is informed and incorporates
Part 1: Standards framework for nursing and midwifery education (NMC, 2018) which is set out under the following headings: 

1: Learning Culture 
2: Educational Governance and Quality 
3: Student Learning and Empowerment 
4: Educators and Assessors 
5: Curricula and Assessment
And Part 2: Standards for student supervision and assessment (NMC, 2018) 


On completion of this unit the student will be able to:
  • Critically review theories of learning, teaching and assessing in  practice settings and there application  
  • Develop the skills to teach, supervise and assess learning in practice with reference to the NMC (2018) standards for student supervision and assessment and the NMC Code (2019) 
  • Demonstrate critical insight into their role as supervisors, educators and assessors in professional practice settings and the fundamental connection between learning culture and the safety of the public

Teaching and learning methods

This unit focuses on the student’s role as an educator and supervisor in practice. The practice assessment documentation related directly to this role and to all of the ILO’s outlined above. The written component offers the opportunity to focus on one aspect of the practice assessment document, with particular emphasis on outcomes A1 – A5 

Knowledge and understanding

  • How practice learning is organised and the necessary conditions for the delivery of safe and effective learning experiences for students in practice
  • The teaching and learning styles, theories and models that can be used to enhance student learning in practice
  • The roles and responsibilities of practice supervisors and practice assessors and their contribution to student assessment and progression
  • The factors that influence how students integrate effectively into practice settings
  • The connection between learning culture and the safety of the public their role in preserving public safety
  • The most up to date systems for educational governance and quality

Intellectual skills

  • Display a critical appreciation of the political and professional issues affecting the advancement of nurse education
  • Demonstrate skills in critical evaluation, integration, synthesis and application of knowledge, research and evidence from a range of sources and disciplines
  • Demonstrate originality in the application of knowledge, research and evidence whilst appreciating it’s limits and having the confidence to challenge orthodoxy
  • Demonstrate logical and systematic thinking and the ability to draw reasoned conclusions and sustainable judgements, engaging effectively in debate about current research and advanced  scholarship in the discipline
  • Continue to act with professional integrity, demonstrating fitness to practice, purpose and achievement of the NMC (2018) standards for pre–registration nursing

Practical skills

  • Interpersonal communication skills relevant to student learning and assessment, helping them to realise their full potential as effective members of the clinical team
  • Prioritising work and demonstrating flexibility and adaptability in order to meet the personalised learning needs of students with a range of abilities/disabilities
  • The supervision, support and objective, evidence based assessments of students or peers, providing constructive feedback regarding their performance and facilitating reflection to enhance their future learning
  • Designing, developing and managing both formal and informal educational experiences for junior colleagues or peers
  • Critical reflection regarding their own professional development to identify abilities, limitations and opportunities to improve  their performance as practitioner, supervisor and educator in a range of practice settings

Transferable skills and personal qualities

  • Act as a professional role model, reflecting on their academic and professional performance, individual leadership, communication, negotiation and interpersonal skills
  • Exercise initiative and demonstrate the academic skills and curiosity required for continued professional development, for entering higher level study, or for scholarly output
  • Manage both independent study and the demands of professional practice effectively
  • Demonstrate effective use of information technology, library, electronic and online resources to enable effective engagement with the programme and to develop fundamental skills for life-long learning
  • Demonstrate accomplished verbal, non – verbal and written communication in a variety of settings with a range of individuals
  • Work co – operatively and effectively with others as a member of a team

Assessment methods

Assessment Scheme (Summative)

Semester 1 - 40% weighting for all three activities 
Three group presentations: 

  1. An exploration/examination of Greater Manchester Practice Learning Environments, 
  2. Critical review of the various roles and responsibilities that exist to support learners in practice and practice governance.
  3. Evidence based teaching drawing on one NMC (2018) proficiency.  

Semester 2 - 60% Weighting for all three activities:

  1. Facilitating Learning in Practice.
  2. Assessing performance and providing feedback in practice (1000-word reflection on 1&2).
  3. Innovation for Practice Education (10-minute presentation various formats can be utilised) plus 500-word rationale.

Feedback methods

The unit assessment is based on a process driven approach which is incremental and diagnostic  rather than a terminal assessment strategy and has been co-designed with students.

In semester 1 all three activities will be peer assessed and feedback provided promoting an inclusive assessment scheme. This aims to help students learn and support each other, evaluate the quality of the work produced, and offer constructive feedback.

In semester 2 there is a formative assessment opportunity for peer teaching and to receive feedback from peers and the unit lead. This enables students to rehearse and develop the skills required for their teaching and assessment activity in practice in a safe and supportive learning environment. 

Teaching and assessing in practice  will be observed by your practice  supervisor/assessor and feedback given. Students then develop a 1000-word critical reflection on the process.

The innovation (spark idea) will be based on  four years exposure to Greater Manchester practice learning environments, the insight this affords  will be used to create new and innovative  ideas  that may enhance practice learning. This will comprise a 10-minute presentation with a 500-word supporting rationale 

Online feedback is provided in Grademark. Provisional feedback based on internal marking will be made available prior to the Exam Board on the basis that these marks are yet to be ratified at the Exam Board and therefore may be subject to change. A standard feedback mechanism in Grademark is utilised across all postgraduate programmes within the school which provides detailed and constructive feedback on each component and aspect of assessment and identifies areas of strength and those aspects which could be enhanced. 

Student feedback is obtained through open discussion forums on blackboard, in class discussions, via formal University unit evaluation forms and qualitative, in-house evaluations at the end of the unit. 

Recommended reading

Study hours

Scheduled activity hours
Lectures 44
Project supervision 20
Seminars 14
Tutorials 2
Work based learning 54
Independent study hours
Independent study 38

Teaching staff

Staff member Role
Heather Sigley Unit coordinator

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