BSc Management (Innovation, Strategy and Entrepreneurship)

Year of entry: 2024

Course unit details:
Investment Analysis

Course unit fact file
Unit code BMAN20072
Credit rating 10
Unit level Level 2
Teaching period(s) Semester 2
Available as a free choice unit? No


The course covers portfolio theory, bond portfolio management, equity valuation, performance evaluation, international diversification, behavioural finance, professional ethics, and empirical evidence on security returns and investment ethics.


Unit title Unit code Requirement type Description
Financial Decision Making BMAN10522 Pre-Requisite Compulsory
Fundamentals of Finance BMAN10552 Pre-Requisite Compulsory
Financial Decision Making M BMAN10522M Pre-Requisite Compulsory
Foundations of Finance A BMAN23000 Co-Requisite Compulsory
Foundations of Finance B BMAN23000B Co-Requisite Compulsory
BMAN 20072 has pre-reqs of:BMAN10522/BMAN10522(M) or BMAN10552. BMAN10552 must be passed at 60% or above to be eligible to take BMAN20072.BMAN23000 (A) or BMAN23000 (B) is a co-requisite of BMAN20072.

BMAN10522         Financial Decision Making                    Pre-Requisite           Compulsory

BMAN10552         Fundamentals of Finance                     Pre-Requisite           Compulsory

BMAN23000A       Foundations of Finance A                     Co-Requisite            Compulsory

BMAN10522M      Financial Decision Making M                Pre-Requisite           Compulsory

BMAN23000B       Foundations of Finance B                    Co-Requisite            Compulsory

Pre-requisite course units have to be passed by 40% or above at the first attempt unless a higher percentage is indicated within this course outline. If the pre-requisite unit is defined as a compulsory course unit within your programme of study (Maths with Finance, IBFE, Accounting, BA Econ pathways for example) then progression onto the dependent unit is permitted as long as you have gained the appropriate amount of credit to progress on to the following year of your registered undergraduate programme.

BMAN10522/10522(M) Financial Decision Making or
BMAN10552 Fundamentals of Finance with an examination pass mark of 60% or above.

Co-requisites: BMAN23000(A) or (B) Foundations of Finance.

Dependent course units: BMAN30190 Empirical Finance (Only available to students specialising in Finance either singly or jointly and provided the following area pre-reqs have been passed. BMAN23000 (A) or (B) Foundations of Finance, BMAN20072 Investment Analysis and BMAN20081 Financial Statement Analysis).


This course develops the understanding and application of the theory, tools, terminology, and professional ethics of investments from a finance viewpoint. To maximise transferability of knowledge and skills, this course  emphasises general investment principles as opposed to details of specific securities and investment vehicles, which are subject to regular changes. Successful completion of the course lays the foundation for students wishing to pursue a career that involves providing and implementing investment advice.

Learning outcomes

On completion of this course successful students will be able to:
* acquire knowledge of the theory, tools, terminology and professional ethics of investment management;
* understand the limits of such knowledge and its effects on analyses and interpretation;
* develop numeracy and computational skills, power of inquiry, logical thinking, critical thinking and capacity for independent and self-managed learning;
* acquire familiarity with the latest developments and innovations in investment analysis;

Teaching and learning methods


18 one-hour lectures and 4 one-hour workshops.

Full details will be provided in the course outline at the start of the course.

Total study hours: 100 hours split between lectures, classes, self-study and preparation for classes, coursework and examinations.

Contact Methods

  1. Office Hours
  2. Workshops in small groups in which they solve queries and obtain feedback in a more informal setting.
  3. Discussion form on Blackboard in which they can post questions. We commit to answering those within 3 business days.


Assessment methods

Examination (100%) including a section closely related to “portfolio choice assignment.”

Portfolio choice assignment: To develop ability of applying the concepts and tools of investment analysis on real data, students are required to participate in portfolio choice assignment. Through the assignment, the students will learn: 1. where to find the needed information to conduct the analysis; to use spread sheet and statistical software to apply the obtained data for the analysis and evaluation. The assignment asks the students to choose stocks and to give weights to each stock to form a portfolio. The performance of portfolio itself does not affect the course grade. However, students must be ready to answer questions regarding the portfolio choice and its performance and be able to discuss about related issues and concepts in the final exam.


Feedback methods

As outlined in teaching method, this course includes 4 workshops aimed at providing immediate feedback on students’ understanding of the topics. You should prepare for these workshops, and use your performance on the workshop questions as an indicator of your progress in understanding the course material.

You can also obtain feedback through our virtual learning environment Blackboard. We provide a discussion board on which you can post questions related to the topics covered in class. We aim to respond to relevant student queries within one week. Please do not postpone your queries until right before the exam, as we might experience a high number of queries at that time.


Recommended reading

Main Textbook (EBOOK access is available through AMBS Library)

Bodie, Z., Kane, A., and Marcus, A.,  Investments , 12th edition, McGraw- Hill Irwin (henceforth BKM)

Supplement: Standard of Practice Handbook, 2014, 11th edition, CFA institute (henceforth SPH)




Study hours

Scheduled activity hours
Assessment written exam 2
Lectures 18
Practical classes & workshops 4
Independent study hours
Independent study 76

Teaching staff

Staff member Role
Yoichi Otsubo Unit coordinator
Yifan Li Unit coordinator

Additional notes

Length of course: 12 weeks

Pre-requisite course units have to be passed by 40% or above at the first attempt unless a higher percentage is indicated within this course outline. If the pre-requisite unit is defined as a compulsory course unit within your programme of study (Maths with Finance, IBFE, Accounting, BA Econ pathways for example) then progression onto the dependent unit is permitted as long as you have gained the appropriate amount of credit to progress on to the following year of your registered undergraduate programme.

BMAN10522/10522(M) Financial Decision Making or

BMAN10552 Fundamentals of Finance with an examination pass mark of 60% or above.

Co-requisites: BMAN23000(A) or (B) Foundations of Finance.

Dependent course units: BMAN30190 Empirical Finance (Only available to students specialising in Finance either singly or jointly and provided the following area pre-reqs have been passed. BMAN23000 (A) or (B) Foundations of Finance, BMAN20072 Investment Analysis and BMAN20081 Financial Statement Analysis).

For Academic Year 2024/25

Updated: March 2024

Approved by: March UG Committee

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