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BSc Speech and Language Therapy / Course details

Year of entry: 2024

Course unit details:
Clinical Research 1

Course unit fact file
Unit code PCHN10531
Credit rating 10
Unit level Level 4
Teaching period(s) Semester 1
Available as a free choice unit? No


This course unit runs in the first semester of the first year of study and forms the first part of a Clinical Research strand which progresses through the second and third years of study.

The course unit will introduce study skills, research theory and methods that are relevant for speech and language therapy. 


Provide students with opportunities to gain knowledge and understanding of research theory and methods, and to gain key research and study skills in preparation for critical appraisal of the value of published research for clinical practice and designing their own clinical research project. 

Teaching and learning methods

Learning and teaching processes utilise an approach with a combination of whole group lectures and follow up workshops. This allows students to learn theoretical content in lectures and then apply this learning to areas directly related to speech and language therapy research in small group activities in workshops.

To support independent study, learning materials including lecture slides and recommended reading will be provided before teaching sessions on the unit’s online Blackboard learning environment. Independent study tasks and online tests will be provided for students to self-assess their learning and identify areas of strength and areas for improvement.

Research active speech and language therapists are involved in the delivery of tutor led learning by delivering research talks on their active research projects that are related to speech and language therapy. This provides opportunities to synthesise learning into real world relevant application.  

Knowledge and understanding

  • Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between clinical research and clinical practice.  
  • Demonstrate awareness of the Dept. of Health’s policies on evidence-based practice.  
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the principles and practice of NHS research ethics and research governance.  
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the principles and practice of patient and public involvement in research.  
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the concepts of sampling, statistical power, type I and II errors.  
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the difference between primary and secondary research.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the process of developing a research proposal 

Intellectual skills

  • Consider the value and limitations of a range of research designs.  
  • Understand, manipulate and present basic numerical and statistical data.
  • Engage in self-directed learning that will promote professional development.
  • Critically evaluate published research findings. 

Practical skills

  • Use appropriate methods to search for published research findings and original sources. 

Transferable skills and personal qualities

  • Effectively communicate ideas in written and verbal forms. 

Assessment methods

Written assignment (1500 words) - 100%

Weekly multiple-choice tests (15 minutes)

Small group workshop tasks (10 hours)

Feedback methods

A mark and individual, detailed tutor written feedback will be provided following the written assessment.

Following the multiple-choice tests students will be presented with correct answers and have the opportunity to self-evaluate their performance and understanding benchmarked against their peers.

During the weekly small group tasks in workshops students will have the opportunity to self-evaluate their performance and understanding during tutor facilitated peer discussion.

Throughout the unit, students will have the opportunity to self-evaluate their work and understanding against class discussions and tutor comments. 

Recommended reading

  • Bishop, D.V.M., & Thompson, P. (2023). Evaluating What Works: An Intuitive Guide to Intervention Research for Practitioners (1st ed.). Chapman and Hall/CRC.
  • Pring, T. (2005). Research Methods in Communication Disorders. London and Philedelphia: Whurr Publishers. 

Study hours

Scheduled activity hours
Lectures 26
Independent study hours
Independent study 74

Teaching staff

Staff member Role
Samantha Durrant Unit coordinator

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