- UCAS course code
- RQ33
- UCAS institution code
- M20
Course unit details:
Italian Language 2
Unit code | ITAL51022 |
Credit rating | 20 |
Unit level | Level 1 |
Teaching period(s) | Semester 2 |
Available as a free choice unit? | No |
This is a course unit for post-beginners in Italian, which follows on, and complements, the ITAL51011 Italian Language 1 unit taught in semester 1.
This course aims to continue giving students sound foundations in the language and develop intermediate writing and reading skills, and pre-intermediate speaking, and aural skills, as well as developing knowledge of Italian phonetics and linguistics.
The course is intended to develop competence in the Italian language by fostering students’ command of a variety of grammatical structures; by the end of the course, students will be able to write and speak about aspects of personal and contemporary Italian life in line with level A2-B1 of the Common European Framework for Languages.
- To demonstrate an understanding of the essential linguistic structures of Italian by completing a variety of grammatical exercises involving manipulation and reformulation
- To read selected texts in Italian of an appropriate level of difficulty
- To translate accurately from and into Italian short passages of an appropriate level of difficulty
- To use and understand basic spoken Italian to cope with real-life situations
Learning outcomes
By the end of this course students will be able to perform at Level B1 of the Common European Framework (CEFR) for Languages in their written skills and at Level A2 in their oral skills.
Assuming that all classes are attended, coursework completed and a considerable amount of private study undertaken, at the end of the course students will be able to:
- demonstrate competence in the use of the aspects of Italian grammar covered in the course
- write short texts in Italian expressing simple ideas
- read texts of appropriate difficulty
- have the ability to present information, ideas and arguments orally with due regard to the target audience
- have good literacy skills in both Italian and English
- transcribe Italian words phonetically using the International Phonetic Alphabet and manipulate examples of Italian language according to linguistic categories.
A booklet with a detailed week-by-week language programme of grammar activities for the course will be distributed at the start of the academic year during week 1 of classes.
Students will also be expected to buy the following core text for the course: Gruppo Italiaidea, New Italian Espresso (Updated Ed.), Florence: Alma Edizioni, 2020
Knowledge and understanding
The course will develop:
- An active and in-depth knowledge of the topics covered by the set textbook
- An active knowledge of Italian grammar and basic awareness of the different registers of language
- The ability to communicate with a degree of confidence and accuracy in written and spoken Italian, in a variety of real-life situations, at levels of appropriate difficulty
- Knowledge of aspects of the culture, communities and languages of Italy
- An awareness of, and responsiveness to, the nature and extent of cultural diversity.
- An active knowledge of Italian linguistic diversity and some key linguistic features of the language.
Intellectual skills
- Use language creatively and precisely for basic purposes and audiences
- Extract and synthesise basic key information from written and spoken sources
- Organise and present ideas within the framework of a structured argument at levels of appropriate difficulty
- Engage in critical and analytical thinking
Practical skills
These include:
- Use and present material in the target language in written and oral forms in a clear and effective manner
- Ability to manage own learning
- Use target language source materials appropriately
- Access electronic resources and use information and communication technologies (ICT) appropriately, including the Internet and Blackboard
Transferable skills and personal qualities
These include:
- Communication and presentation skills: oral, written and IT
- The ability to work creatively and flexibly with others as part of a team
- Mediating skills and qualities of empathy
- Self-reliance and adaptability
- Intercultural awareness
- Autonomy and independence
- Time management skills
Employability skills
- Other
- Communication skills are developed through teamwork and individual contributions and participation in oral classes conducted by a native speaker; self-management skills are promoted through independent work and the production of a portfolio of language activities, and IT skills through web and computer assisted language learning. Finally, creative skills are fostered through creative writing and a task-orientated approach.
Assessment methods
Assessment task | Formative or Summative | Weighting within unit (if summative) |
Take-home activities | Formative | N/A |
Linguistics exercise | Summative | 10% |
One piece of ACW (reading & writing) | Summative | 15% |
One class test (listening and grammar) | Summative | 10% |
An oral examination | Summative | 20% |
A grammar and writing examination | Summative | 45%
Feedback methods
Feedback method | Formative or Summative |
Individual written feedback on completed and marked assignments plus face-to-face discussion if desired. | Both |
In-class comments on homework, presentations and other exercises. | Formative |
After each of the scheduled assignments, global feedback on frequent errors or omissions to indicate problem areas and allow questions and discussion (delivered orally in class/posted to blackboard/as a handout). | Both |
Recommended reading
CORE TEXT: Gruppo Italiaidea, New Italian Espresso (Updated Ed.), Florence: Alma Edizioni, 2020
ESSENTIAL: De Rôme, D., Soluzioni. A Practical Grammar of Contemporary Italian, 4th edn (New York, NY; Oxon: Routledge, 2018)
Lazzarino, G., Prego! An Invitation to Italian, 8th edn (McGraw-Hill, 2012) & Lab Manual
Adorni, S., and K. Primorac, English Grammar for Students of Italian (London: Arnold, 1995)
Chapallaz, M., The Pronunciation of Italian (Cambridge: Heffers, 1986)
Maiden, M., and C. Robustelli, A Reference Grammar of Modern Italian (London: Arnold, 2000)
Fernandez-Toro, M., and F. Jones, DIY Techniques for Language Learners (London: Centre for Information on Language Teaching and Research, 2001)
Nocchi, S., Nuova grammatica pratica della lingua italiana. Esercizi – test – giochi (Florence: Alma, 2015 )Dizionario inglese-italiano, italiano-inglese 3rd edn (Turin: Paravia and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010 ebook)
Study hours
Scheduled activity hours | |
Lectures | 11 |
Seminars | 11 |
Tutorials | 33 |
Independent study hours | |
Independent study | 145 |
Teaching staff
Staff member | Role |
Monica Boria | Unit coordinator |
Additional notes
In order to meet the learning outcomes students are required to engage in regular independent language learning devoting an average of five hours per week to work on the various language skills outside of class contact time.
Free Choice by agreement with the Programme Director for Italian and the Language Tutor, Monica Boria