- UCAS course code
- RQ23
- UCAS institution code
- M20
Course unit details:
German Language 2
Unit code | GERM51022 |
Credit rating | 20 |
Unit level | Level 1 |
Teaching period(s) | Semester 2 |
Available as a free choice unit? | No |
This module provides an introduction to the pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary of Modern Standard German. Focussing on a variety of topics (including culture, society, current affairs, history and politics) and using a range of teaching methods and audio-visual as well as printed media, it aims to equip students with the language skills needed for competent spoken and written communication. Classes are complemented by an independent language learning programme, involving reading, writing, speaking and listening activities, as well as vocabulary work and CALL exercises. Teaching and learning on this module are supported by an extensive Blackboard site, providing additional resources for students. Blackboard should therefore be accessed on a regular basis.
Please note that this is a compulsory language unit and as such requires a pass mark of 40% or above. Those students who fail to achieve this mark at the first attempt must resit the course unit. Students who fail this unit in the resit assessment will not be able to carry the credits into a subsequent year of study. Students will be able to discuss their options with the Programme Director and they may have the option to move on to the non-language degree award of Cultures and Societies. If this option is approved, the resit mark can be compensated, or the student can carry the credit, provided they have met all the other requirements for progression. Students who do not meet the required pass mark and do not move on to the non-language degree award will not be able to progress into the next year of the degree programme and will therefore be excluded.
An A-level pass in a foreign language other than German, or in English Language.
This is not a LEAP module and is available only as part of a degree programme where German is taken as a named Honours subject.
All Joint Honours programmes with German. All other programmes compatible with a Minor in German.
Focusing on a variety of topics (including culture, society, current affairs, history and politics) through audio-visual and printed media, it aims to equip students with the language skills needed for competent spoken and written communication.
Learning outcomes
By successfully completing this course unit, students will be able to master German language skills appropriate for a basic level B1 of the Common European Framework.
Knowledge and understanding
Understand extended speech, including some TV news and current affairs programmes
Read articles and reports concerned with contemporary problems, as well as short literary texts
Speak with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes interaction with native speakers quite possible and take an active part in discussion in familiar contexts
Produce longer pieces of oral discourse
Write clear text (including letters and short essays) on a range of subjects
Intellectual skills
On successful completion of this course unit, students will be able to:
apply appropriate linguistic concepts
analyse and interpret acquired information and synthesise it as knowledge
Practical skills
On successful completion of this course unit, students will be able to:
read and understand a range of text types relating to socio-cultural aspects of Germany and the German speaking world
demonstrate active understanding of most of the essential linguistic structures covered in the set textbook, and a passive understanding of the rest communicate appropriately in written and spoken German
Employability skills
- Other
- Written and oral communication skills; team-work; leadership; negotiation skills; research skills, problem-solving; adaptability; decision-making; time management; initiative; self-discipline; organisation; life-long learning skills; self-reflection; action planning; self-confidence; IT skills; increased intercultural awareness
Assessment methods
Assessment task | Weighting within unit |
Coursework (fictional short story) | 25% |
Oral examination at the end of Semester 2. Candidates will have the opportunity to choose a topic from a list and will be given 15 minutes to read and reflect on a short text on that topic. They will then be asked to read aloud from the text, to answer questions about it and to discuss the subject with the examiners. The topics will be related to the material that has been covered during BOTH SEMESTERS and students will not be permitted to use their own dictionary during the preparation time. | 25% |
Written examination at the end of Semester Two (during examination period) | 50% |
Feedback methods
Nature and timing of feedback:
Details of the extensive range of feedback opportunities available to students can be found on the Blackboard website.
Recommended reading
Dollenmayer, David B. & Thomas S. Hansen (2014). Neue Horizonte: Introductory German. 8th edn. Heinle, Cengage Learning. (‘International edition’).
Dollenmayer, David B., Ellen W. Crocker & Thomas S. Hansen (2014). Neue Horizonte: Student Activity Manual, 8th edn. Heinle, Cengage Learning.
Printed Access Code (PAC) for access to Cengage Premium Website
Further Reading:
Durrell, Martin, Katrin Kohl, Claudia Kaiser and Gudrun Loftus (2015). Essential German Grammar. 2nd edn. Abingdon: Routledge.
Collins German Dictionary, 9th edn. 2019. Glasgow: HarperCollins.
Langenscheidt Großwörterbuch Deutsch als Fremdsprache, Neubearbeitung. 2015. Berlin:
Fernandez-Toro, Maria & Francis R. Jones. 2001. DIY techniques for language learners.
London: Centre for Information on Language Teaching and Research (CILT).
Study hours
Scheduled activity hours | |
Seminars | 55 |
Independent study hours | |
Independent study | 145 |
Teaching staff
Staff member | Role |
Anne-Teresa Markovic | Unit coordinator |
Dorit Fellner-Whitgreave | Unit coordinator |