BSc Mathematics with Placement Year

Year of entry: 2024

Course unit details:
Technology, Strategy and Innovation

Course unit fact file
Unit code BMAN20792
Credit rating 10
Unit level Level 2
Teaching period(s) Semester 2
Available as a free choice unit? Yes


Lectures will initially address the nature of technology strategy and how this strategy is selected and implemented in firms, as well as focus on innovation management practices in both large and small firms. Further topics to be covered will include:
•    Open innovation business model
•    Sources of innovation
•    Organisation of R&D
•    Collaboration and partnerships
•    External acquisition of technologies
•    Globalisation of R&D and international technology transfer
•    Intellectual property (IP) rights and other issues related to IP


BMAN20792 is a free choice option for students with prior agreement from their home schools. 


To develop an understanding of the main issues and theoretical frameworks used to design technology strategy and manage innovations within national and international contexts.

Learning outcomes

•    Understanding the nature of innovation processes and becoming familiar with the characteristics of technologies.
•    Understanding the core principles underpinning the management of innovations, the development of technologies in firms, as well as how business strategies and technological competencies interact.
•    Appreciating the range of frameworks (including their strengths and weaknesses) used in the analysis of the strategic management of technologies.
•    Applying the knowledge acquired during the course to the context of various organizations (by using case studies and targeted readings).
•    Developing professional and practical skills, as well as transferable skills through group discussions and presentations.

Teaching and learning methods

Methods of delivery: Lecture / Tutorials

Lecture hours: 10 (1 hours per week over 10 weeks)

Seminar hours: 10 (1 hour every week)

Private study: 80

Total study hours: 100

Informal Contact Methods

1. Office Hours

Assessment methods

Examination (80%)

Group assignment (20%)

Feedback methods

- Informal advice and discussion during a lecture, seminar, workshop or lab.

- Responses to student emails and questions from a member of staff including feedback provided to a group via an online discussion forum.

- Written and/or verbal comments on assessed or non-assessed coursework.

- Written and/or verbal comments after students have given a group or individual presentation.

Recommended reading

[1] Schilling, M.A. (2019) Strategic management of technological innovation. 6th Edition. New York, NY: McGraw Hill.

[2] Dodgson, M., Gann, D., and Salter, A. (2008) The management of technological 
innovation: Strategy and practice. 2nd Edition Oxford: Oxford University Press.

[3] Tidd, J., and Bessant, J.R. (2020) Managing innovation: Integrating technological, market and organizational change. 7th Edition. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Study hours

Scheduled activity hours
Lectures 10
Seminars 10
Independent study hours
Independent study 80

Teaching staff

Staff member Role
Shukhrat Nasirov Unit coordinator

Additional notes

Pre-requisites - None

Co-requisites - N/A

Dependent Course Units - N/A

Programme Restrictions: 

The course is available as a free choice option to students who have received prior agreement from their registering School. It is not available to BSc in Management/Management (Specialism), IMABS, IM, or ITMB, It is available to study abroad and for exchange students admitted through the University of Manchester’s International Programmes Office.

For Academic Year 2023/24

Updated: March 2023

Approved by: March UG Committee

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