BSc/MChem Chemistry with an Integrated Foundation Year

Year of entry: 2024

Course unit details:
Chemistry 2

Course unit fact file
Unit code FOUN10042
Credit rating 10
Unit level Level 1
Teaching period(s) Semester 2
Available as a free choice unit? No


This course will provide the knowledge and understanding needed to study Physical and Organic Chemistry topics on undergraduate degree courses within the Faculty of Science and Engineering.  


The aim is to provide the knowledge and understanding needed to study Physical and Organic Chemistry topics on Undergraduate courses within the Faculty of Science and Engineering.

Teaching and learning methods

Blended learning / Asynchronous video / 11 workshops / 11 tutorials


Knowledge and understanding

  • Develop understanding of kinetics and thermodynamics – finally understand what enthalpy actually is! 

  • Understand the internationally recognised nomenclature of organic chemistry 

  • Develop understanding of the underpinning principles of organic chemistry such as polarity, the inductive effect, resonance stabilisation, steric effects and stereochemistry. 

  • Employ the above principles to understand basic functional group chemistry. 

  • Understand rudimentary reaction mechanisms. 

  • Learn to relate all the above to the real world. 

Intellectual skills

  • Appreciation that thermodynamics determines the feasibility of a reaction whilst kinetics determines how fast it occurs. 

  • Assimilation and inter-conversion of varied data sets (numerical, tabulated, graphical). 

  • Application of chemical principles and concepts to the solution of numerical problems. 

  • Presentation of arguments and ideas logically. 

  • Problem solving in organic chemistry

Practical skills

  • Consideration of health and safety issues for a variety of chemicals applicable to practical risk assessment. 

Assessment methods

Method Weight
Written exam 80%
Written assignment (inc essay) 20%

Feedback methods

GTAs will give live feedback on tutorial work during tutorial sessions.

A number of formative Blackboard tests give immediate feedback.

Coursework test marks will be returned swiftly.

Workshops focus on active learning where Dr Turner and GTAs will circulate amongst participants to check for understanding and challenge misconceptions.


Study hours

Scheduled activity hours
Assessment written exam 2
Practical classes & workshops 11
Seminars 2
Tutorials 11
Independent study hours
Independent study 74

Teaching staff

Staff member Role
Kristy Turner Unit coordinator

Additional notes

80% of unit grade 
2 hour long examination 

20% of unit grade 
Two online, open-book, multiple choice tests, each test counts 10% towards the course unit grade.

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