BSc/MChem Chemistry with an Integrated Foundation Year / Course details

Year of entry: 2024

Course unit details:
Foundation Year Project- Chemical Engineering

Course unit fact file
Unit code FOUN10022
Credit rating 10
Unit level Level 1
Teaching period(s) Semester 2
Available as a free choice unit? No


A unit which will provide students with the opportunity to research and undertake an extended piece of project work in a topic relevant to their chosen area of study. In most cases the student will be part of a team working on a group project.


The unit aims to provide students with the opportunity to research and undertake an extended piece of project work in a topic relevant to their chosen area of study. This will mainly involve literature reviews and case studies. The unit also aims to promote both autonomy and collaboration in researching and writing up the project report and planning/delivering effective group presentations.

Learning outcomes

By the end of the course, students should be able to:

Carry out an extensive literature review relevant to their chosen area of study 

Synthesise information into a piece of extended writing, incorporating all the necessary academic conventions 

Plan and deliver engaging group presentations using presentation software  

Work effectively both individually and in a group 

Reflect and respond to feedback given by peers and supervisors 

Teaching and learning methods

- Introductory Lecture

-Guided learning and self-study

-Support drop ins

-Regular group meetings with Supervisors and the Foundation Year Team

-Self access to resources on Blackboard

Knowledge and understanding

  • Demonstrate an appropriate depth of knowledge (at level 0) in the chosen subject area. 

  • Explain the underlying scientific/engineering principles involved in the topics covered. 

Intellectual skills

  • Plan, research and produce an extended piece of academic written work. 

  • Choose appropriate resources for carrying out this research. 

  • Assess the quality and reliability of information/data. 

  • Analyse and arrange data in a logical manner. 

  • Present and explain aims, methods, discussion, conclusions etc in a logical manner. 

Practical skills

  • Academic report writing and publishing, oral and visual presentation. 

Transferable skills and personal qualities

  • All skills learned in this course are directly transferrable to future academic courses and workplace environments 

Employability skills

Analytical skills
Students search for and critically analyse texts from a wide variety of sources.
Group/team working
Students work in groups throughout the Project. Wherever possible students are placed in mixed groups in order to help prepare them for the global workplace.
In group Project work, students have the opportunity to develop their leadership skills
Project management
Students manage their own time when undertaking their Project, and have to use relevant technology to assist them to do so.
Oral communication
Students make a group presentation at the end of their Project.
Problem solving
In Project work students negotiate and resolve issues that can arise.
Students do their own independent research in the Project Unit.
Written communication
Students write in a formal academic style using the relevant conventions to produce their final Project Report.

Assessment methods

Method Weight
Other 10%
Written assignment (inc essay) 10%
Report 50%
Portfolio 10%
Oral assessment/presentation 20%
  • Written Project Plan = 10% 
  • Written Report = 50% 
  • Group Oral presentations = 20% 
  • Group online journals =10% 
  • Peer Evaluation = 10% 

Feedback methods

  • Formative feedback given by group members and project supervisors during the Unit. 

  • Summative feedback given by group members and project supervisors at the end of Semester 2 

Study hours

Scheduled activity hours
Lectures 1
Practical classes & workshops 12
Project supervision 20
Independent study hours
Independent study 67

Teaching staff

Staff member Role
Simon Raw Unit coordinator

Additional notes


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