The Remuneration Committee
The Remuneration Committee is directly responsible for setting the remuneration of the President and Vice-Chancellor and the Senior Leadership Team.
The Committee also approves the base salaries suggested by the Senior Salaries Review Group for Grade 9 academic-related staff and the Faculty Promotions Committee for professorial staff in the top two professorial zones.
When considering base salary increases for senior staff, the Committee takes careful account of the level of salary increases across the University in general, and the financial position of the University including the budget available for such increases.
The Committee reports directly to The University of Manchester’s Board of Governors. It is established in accordance with the principles of the Higher Education Code of Governance published by the Committee of University Chairs.
Nick Hillman
Chair of the Board of Governors
Chair of the Finance Committee
President and Vice-Chancellor (in attendance, at the invitation of the Chair except for matters relating to personal remuneration)
Attending for some items:
Union Affairs Officer
Professor Paul Mativenga
The Registrar, Secretary and Chief Operating Officer (Secretary)
- To consider and determine on behalf of the Board of Governors the remuneration arrangements for certain senior officers of the University (including the President and Vice‑Chancellor, the Registrar and Secretary, Vice-Presidents and Deans, and Vice-Presidents).
- To delegate to an appropriately constituted Senior Salaries Review Group (or Groups) the task of making recommendations on the remuneration of professorial and equivalent senior administrative staff not covered in term 1 above and to scrutinise such recommendations as appropriate for consistency and fairness.
- To consider policies and procedures on the remuneration of senior staff, to recommend them to the Board of Governors and to oversee their implementation within the University.
- 1 November 2024
- 16 April 2025
Remuneration Committee report
You can read the most recent annual report from the Remuneration Committee in our Financial Statements, available to download from our list of corporate documents.