Season one

Episode one

Health inequalities with Professors Phil and Emma Crosbie: does going to communities directly improve screening uptake?

Professors Phil and Emma Crosbie discuss the early detection of lung and womb cancer, along with their work on community screening and addressing health inequalities.

With cancer incidence rising, particularly among the most socially and economically disadvantaged communities, the need for earlier detection interventions has never been more important. We find out how this cancer research power couple are transforming outcomes for patients through novel approaches to early detection.

Episode two

Breast cancer with Professor Gareth Evans: should all women be screened equally?

In this episode* we speak to Professor Gareth Evans about the importance of breast cancer screening, as well as the risk predictors of the cancer.

Gareth discusses risk prediction, early detection and prevention, highlighting the outputs of trials led by Manchester to investigate the best routes for breast cancer screening. 

*Please be aware, this podcast was recorded on Tuesday, 7 June 2022, when Sajid Javid was still Secretary of State for Health. 

Episode three

Cervical screening in the LGBTQIA+ community with Dr Jen Davies Oliveria and Professor Emma Crosbie: how can we make screening more inclusive?

In this episode we speak to Dr Jen Davies-Oliveira and Professor Emma Crosbie about their research into womb cancer and human papilloma virus, commonly known as HPV. We also discuss one of their research projects developing alternative self-sampling methods for HPV.

With lower cervical screening uptake in communities such as the LGBTQIA+ community, we explore how addressing barriers to screening can be achieved through greater engagement with these groups and the importance of developing an inclusive approach to screening.

Episode four

Health economics with Professor Katherine Payne: is early detection cost effective?

In this episode we speak to Professor Katherine Payne about health economics; what it is, its importance in cancer treatment and early detection strategies and the crucial role it plays in changing healthcare policy.

We discuss Katherine’s work evaluating the health and economic benefits of banning sunbeds in England and the effect that a policy intervention would have in reducing the burden of skin cancer on the NHS.

Episode five

Nano-omics with Dr Marilena Hadjidemetriou: can nanoparticles help find early signs of cancer?

In this episode we speak to Dr Marilena Hadjidemetriou about her research on nano-omics, which aims to integrate nanotechnology to the 'world of omics' as well as proteomic biomarker discovery.

We find out how nano-omics is being used to isolate molecular biomarkers that highlight the early stages of cancer in patients, making earlier cancer detection possible.

Episode six

Womb cancer and Lynch syndrome with Professor Emma Crosbie: how did we change clinical practice?

In this episode we speak to Professor Emma Crosbie about her research in womb cancer and the breakthrough she made in discovering a link between the disease and Lynch syndrome.

We discuss the steps Emma and her team took to change The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidance on testing for Lynch syndrome in women with womb cancer, and what this means for the many women and their families with this disease.

Episode seven

Looking outside the cell with Professor Sarah Cartmell: can we see where cancer starts?

In this episode we speak to Professor Sarah Cartmell about her work in bioengineering and ex-vivo modelling, which involves studying cancer cells outside of an organism.

Specifically, we talk about her team's work developing models that can analyse, in three dimensions, how non-cancerous lung cancer cells develop into tumours. We discuss what these findings could mean for improving patient outcomes.