MSc Environmental Monitoring, Modelling and Reconstruction

Year of entry: 2024

Course unit details:
Digital Terrain Analysis

Course unit fact file
Unit code GEOG60412
Credit rating 15
Unit level FHEQ level 7 – master's degree or fourth year of an integrated master's degree
Teaching period(s) Semester 2
Available as a free choice unit? No


This course will introduce students to the principles and applications of GIS for analysis of 3D data, focussing on approaches to digital terrain analysis and geomorphometry. The focus will be on the principles, acquisition, and processing of digital elevation models from topographic data collected using active and passive remote sensing methods, including from LiDAR and Structure-from-Motion via small unscrewed aerial systems. Examples will predominantly draw from applications in glaciology and glacial geomorphology, but techniques covered are relevant to a wide range of applications across physical geography, geology and environmental science.


The unit aims to:

To equip students with necessary knowledge and skills to use digital terrain data for landscape analysis, and gain experience of the collection, handling and manipulation of 3D spatial data.

Learning outcomes

  • Students can expect to develop broader academic skills including academic literature search, reading and critical analysis via assignment 1.
  • Second assignment encourages students to develop their project management and research design skills by developing a mini-research project that requires sourcing, manipulation and handling of elevation data. This also gives practical experience of working with this data on a problem of their choosing.
  • Unit inherently develops digital literacy as is focussed on working with and understanding 3D digital data in a GIS. E.g. Guided computer practicals give experience of working with a variety of data types and formats. Producing visualisations of spatial data for reports and poster presentation.
  • Assessment is set up to facilitate in-class and online engagement; e.g. online poster discussions via Padlet. Navigating/accessing/identifying learning materials via the VLE.
  • Students also required to use appropriate search engines/indexes/databases to find information. Manage and retrieve information for study ie (bookmarks/referencing software).


Syllabus (indicative curriculum content):

An introduction to the principles and applications of GIS and 3D elevation data, focussing on approaches to digital terrain analysis and geomorphometry. The focus will be on the principles, acquisition, and processing of digital elevation models from topographic data collected using active and passive remote sensing methods, including from LiDAR and Structure-from-Motion via small unscrewed aerial systems. Case studies and examples will predominantly draw from applications in glaciology and glacial geomorphology, but techniques covered are relevant to a wide range of applications across physical geography, geology and environmental science.

Teaching and learning methods

Lectures supported by computer labs on the generation and processing of digital elevation data using GIS and remote sensing software (e.g. ArcGIS Pro, QGIS, Agisoft Metashape, Drone2Map). Independent learning via reading outside of lectures. Application of learning via a mini-research project.

The unit runs over one semester, consisting of lectures, guided-computer practical exercises, and project surgeries. Students are expected to supplement the knowledge gained in lectures and practicals with their own reading and independent study. Practical worksheets will provide experience of data processing techniques and give students opportunity to seek clarification with teaching staff. Students will undertake an individual project using topographic data, which forms the main summative assessment via a poster presentation to assess data visualisation techniques from the course and production of derived data. Project results will be shared and discussed during a group poster presentation at the end of the course.

Knowledge and understanding

  • Understand a range of digital elevation data types, collection methods and processing techniques. 
  • Gain knowledge of the use, strengths, and limitations of 3D spatial data. 

Intellectual skills

  • Critically evaluate topographic data types, processing techniques, and approaches to 3D data visualisation.

Practical skills

  • Source, manage and handle digital topographic data from a range of sources in appropriate GIS software.
  • Use GIS software to visualise 3D data.

Transferable skills and personal qualities

  • Develop succinct written and visual communication skills.
  • Ability to source and process 3D spatial data to explore research questions using digital terrain analysis and geomorphometry.

Assessment methods

Method Weight
Report 40%
Project output (not diss/n) 60%

Feedback methods

Formative Assessment Task 1
Short-answer questions associated with guided computer practical sessions.
500 words max equivalent. Expectation that practicals are mostly completed within class-time (2 hours). (Indicative <50-100 words per worksheet).
Verbal feedback during practical sessions. Model answers posted on VLE (weekly).
Expected outcome: Confidence that have understood the computer practicals.

Formative Assessment Task 2
Mini-project proposal.
1 page (~250-500 words).
Feedback via written (within 15-working days) and verbal comments in project surgeries.
Expected outcome: Improved performance in Assessment 2 by selecting dataset in advance of first project surgery session.

Assessment task 1
Thematic report on practical session topic of choice (1 of 5).
1000 words.
Written feedback via comments/grades on VLE (within 15-working days of submisson).
40% weighting.

Assessment task 2
Poster summarising of results of chosen mini-project.
1 x A0 (= 2000 words).
Written feedback via comments/grades on VLE (after end of course).
60% weighting.

Recommended reading

Text book chapters and scientific literature as appropriate. Reading list week-by-week via VLE.

Indicative textbooks: 
Hengl, T., Reuter, H.I.  (eds.) 2009. Geomorphometry: Concepts, Software, Applications. Developments in Soil Science, Vol. 23. Elsevier. 
Wilson, J.P., Gallant, J.C. (eds.) 2000. Terrain Analysis: Principles and Applications. John Wiley & Sons. Chapters 1-2.
Wilson, J.P., 2018. Environmental applications of digital terrain modeling. Oxford, UK: John Wiley and Sons

Geomorphology; Computers & Geosciences; Earth-Science Reviews; Progress in Physical Geography; IEEE Transactions in Geoscience and Remote Sensing; International Journal of Geographical Information Science; Earth Surface Processes & Landforms.

Study hours

Scheduled activity hours
Lectures 5
Practical classes & workshops 8
Project supervision 6
Seminars 2
Independent study hours
Independent study 129

Teaching staff

Staff member Role
Anna Hughes Unit coordinator

Additional notes

  • The unit will support EDI through using and providing students with resources from a diverse range of authors and contexts. 
  • Students have free-choice on the geographical area of their second assignment.
  • Teaching and learning will be designed to be inclusive through providing materials online in advance of sessions in accessible formats.
  • End of course poster presentation is hosted online via Padlet.

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