MSc Environmental Monitoring, Modelling and Reconstruction
Year of entry: 2025
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Course unit details:
GIS and Environmental Applications
Unit code | GEOG60951 |
Credit rating | 15 |
Unit level | FHEQ level 7 – master's degree or fourth year of an integrated master's degree |
Teaching period(s) | Semester 1 |
Available as a free choice unit? | Yes |
There are no prerequisites. However, absolute beginners who are interested in ArcGIS training are not encouraged to take the unit. All University-registered students can access ESRI training materials for independent study. For more information please contact the School’s GIS & Remote Sensing Officer.
To provide students with a foundation in the principles and practice of using Geographical Information Systems (GIS) in environmental research.
Learning outcomes
The theory and practice covered in this unit are highly relevant for developing employability skills for a range of public, private and other roles outside of the university sector. For example, spatial data analysis is core to activities in environmental agencies, local and central government, consultancies and many businesses.
Furthermore project design, data management and technical communication, including through map production is also relevant as generic transferable skills.
Session 1: Introduction to GIS; Session 2: Spatial analysis techniques, Interpolation and density estimation; Session 3: Working with the vector model; Session 4: Working with the raster data model; Session 5: Introduction to Blocks 3 & 4; Session 6: Study Week (no class); Session 7: Building GIS applications; Session 8: Introduction to zonal and cluster analysis; Session 9: Automated Land Use Regression; Session 10: Progress meeting; Session 11: Progress meeting; Session 12: Review.
Note: It is strongly advised that students wishing to take this unit have access to a suitable computer for private study.
Teaching and learning methods
- There are 3 hours per week of timetabled sessions with a mix of lectures and practicals in computer labs. Lectures include some Q&A elements with small tasks to re-enforce learning of key ideas. Practicals have supporting workbooks which can be completed as private study following scheduled classes, as required.
- Assessment questions are included in the workbooks for Assignment 1. In some weeks timetabled slots may be optional, e.g. practical surgeries or allocated for progress meetings. Otherwise attendance is required. In slots allocated to progress meetings contact time with the lecturer/demonstrator is not for the full session.
- Additional opportunities for assistance and clarification are available throughout the semester through regular office consultation hours. These are open drop-in sessions.
- The unit is supported by a Blackboard e-learning site through which students can obtain copies of presentations, practical handouts and data. Reading lists and materials for further independent work are also provided through the Blackboard e-learning site.
- Teaching will use ArcGIS Pro version 3.1. The GIS software package and version will be confirmed at the start of the unit and the convener reserves the right to teach the unit with a different software package if necessary.
- The course is normally delivered entirely within a suitable computer laboratory. For students not able to be on campus, a remote cluster log-in option is available using the Citrix system.
Knowledge and understanding
- An understanding of key GIS and spatial analysis principles (normally including spatial interpolation, density estimation, distance functions and overlay using multi-criteria techniques).
- An appreciation of the principles and methods associated with automating GIS tasks.
Knowledge of a range of environmental applications of GIS; and knowledge of GIS project design.
Intellectual skills
- Skills in handling and applying technical concepts.
- Skills in critical assessment and evaluation of GIS data, analysis, and results.
- Enhanced skills in spatial thinking and research skills.
Practical skills
- Extended practical skills in GIS.
- Skills in importing a range of geospatial data from external repositories.
- Enhanced abilities to prepare and deliver a GIS analysis project, including producing and delivering map outputs, geospatial metadata and GIS logic charts.
Transferable skills and personal qualities
- Experience of communicating and expressing geographical ideas and results in written and visual (map-based) form.
- Report-writing and spatial data handling and management.
- Employability skills.
Employability skills
- Other
- The theory and practice covered in this unit are highly relevant for developing employability skills for a range of public, private and other roles outside of the university sector. For example, spatial data analysis is core to activities in environmental agencies, local and central government, consultancies and many businesses. Furthermore project design, data management and technical communication, including through map production is also relevant as generic transferable skills.
Assessment methods
Method | Weight |
Project output (not diss/n) | 60% |
Practical skills assessment | 40% |
Feedback methods
Formative Assessment Task
F1: Submission of work associated with the non-assessed practical. The non-assessed practical is in a similar style to the following assessed practical. Deadline Week 2.
Mix of short-and longer answers with map/chart deliverables (1000 words). Verbal feedback, individual marks and written comments (Week 4). Supports students in developing skills for assessment A1.
Assessment task
A1: Submission of a practical write-up based on the practicals completed as part of Block 2. Deadline Week 5. Mix of short-and longer answers with map/chart deliverables (1200 words). Verbal feedback, individual marks and written comments (Week 9). 40%.
A2: The design, preparation and delivery of a GIS analysis project on an environmental topic. Deadline Week 12. 1800 words report with map outputs Individual marks and written comments within 15 working days of submission. 60%.
Recommended reading
Two text books cover core themes which are supplemented by additional reading through the course:
Heywood, I., Cornelius, S. & Carver, S. (2011) An Introduction to Geographical Information Systems, Fourth Edition, Prentice Hall : Harlow.
Longley, P. A. Goodchild, M. F. Maguire, D. J. and Rhind, D. W. (2015) Geographic Information Science and Systems, John Wiley and Sons: Chichester Fourth Edition.
Study hours
Scheduled activity hours | |
Demonstration | 2 |
Lectures | 11 |
Practical classes & workshops | 14 |
Supervised time in studio/wksp | 8 |
Independent study hours | |
Independent study | 115 |
Teaching staff
Staff member | Role |
Richard Figueroa Alfaro | Unit coordinator |