MSc Engineering Project Management / Course details

Year of entry: 2025

Course unit details:
Risk Management

Course unit fact file
Unit code ENGM60032
Credit rating 15
Unit level FHEQ level 7 – master's degree or fourth year of an integrated master's degree
Teaching period(s) Semester 2
Available as a free choice unit? No


This unit is available as an option on both the MEng Aerospace Engineering with Management and MSc Management of Projects programmes.

The unit is designed to equip students with an advanced knowledge of the risk management process; by exploring strategic and tactical issues associated with the implementation of effective risk management practices, students should develop the appropriate skills to appreciate the key processes and decision stages at corprate and project level.

The unit is also designed to reinforce the inextricable relationship between risk and value; students will explore through case studies and workshops, how effective risk management can realise added-value to project stakeholders

The unit is delivered through a series of weekly keynote lectures on theoretical and practical concepts of risk and value management, supported by workshop sessions to refinorce the theory. The unit involves a mix of traditional lectures, group work (formatively assessed), indi


To identify and critically evaluate the theoretical and practical concepts of risk and value within the context of engineering project management.   To critically evaluate the framework within which project participants can operate appropriate risk and value management strategies. To equip students with the skills, knowledge and critical analysis skills to understand the desiderata for effective enterprise risk management systems in project oriented organisations.

Practical skills


Assessment methods

Method Weight
Written exam 70%
Report 30%

Feedback methods

Feedback given to help students to develop and improve with the unit of study. In this unit, a formative work assessment is submitted and feedback comments are made available to students via Turnitin within Blackboard. Additional formative feedback is available to students through the following means:

Attending lectures, joining discussions about case studies and doing short work tasks set within the lecture session. The lecturer will reply to individual questions at the end of each lecture session as required.

The lecturer will provide brief replies to your e-mailed enquiries. The lecturer will provide feedback messages to the whole class via Blackboard if the point that you have raised could be of benefit to the whole class.

Study hours

Scheduled activity hours
Lectures 15
Project supervision 18
Tutorials 24
Independent study hours
Independent study 93

Teaching staff

Staff member Role
Kamal Qazi Unit coordinator
Richard Kirkham Unit coordinator

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