MSc Global Urban Development and Planning / Course details
Year of entry: 2025
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Course unit details:
Urban Development Planning in Cities of the South: an international perspective
Unit code | PLAN72061 |
Credit rating | 15 |
Unit level | FHEQ level 7 – master's degree or fourth year of an integrated master's degree |
Teaching period(s) | Semester 1 |
Available as a free choice unit? | Yes |
- Introduction to urban development planning in cities of the global South
- Historical and theoretical perspectives on planning in the global South
- Conceptions of the urban informal economy
- Urban management and decentralised governance
- Planning for urban land tenure in the context of informality
- Planning for housing improvements in urban poor areas
- Urban transport challenges in rapidly motorizing countries
- Interactions between planners and urban indigenous groups
- Planning for climate change impacts
- To critically examine urban planning approaches and methodologies used in the global South, which are (or in some cases are not) conducive to achieving equitable and sustainable urban development and poverty reduction in this context.
- To understand key issues influencing the development of planning practice in global Southern cities, including historical and theoretical perspectives; and to explore fundamental phenomena shaping urban development planning in the global South today, namely the urban informal economy, and decentralised governance.
- To explore key elements of urban provision that planning in this context must address – namely secure urban land tenure, housing improvements, urban infrastructure, and public space – and to understand the impacts of disaster risk and climate change as issues that are of increasing concern to planners.
To draw on different examples of real-world urban planning practice, including formal policy-led approaches and more community-focused ones, to analyse their success in addressing key urban issues in the context of urban informality.
Teaching and learning methods
Learning and teaching materials for this course unit are provided on the VLE. This supports development of digital skills. In addition the reading list is made available through the Reading List Online. Part of the research for both assignments is conducted through the use of online resources.
Knowledge and understanding
Have a critical understanding of the contemporary discourses and practices of urban development planning in the context of cities of the South
Intellectual skills
Be able to apply their knowledge of frameworks for the analysis of urban development planning in cities of the South
Practical skills
Have an understanding of practical cases in which planning is conducive to poverty reduction and inclusive, equitable and sustainable cities
Transferable skills and personal qualities
Have engaged in project work both independently and in collaboration with peers
Assessment methods
Group presentation (15 minutes): 25%
Individual essay (2500 words): 75%
Feedback methods
Summative feedback for group presentation and individual essay. Verbal feedback will be given in discussions during lectures, tutorials and presentation sessions.
Recommended reading
Beall, J. and Fox, S. (2009) Cities and Development. Abingdon, Routledge.
Bicknell, J., Dodman, D. et al. (2009) Adapting Cities to Climate Change: Understanding and Addressing the Development Challenges. London: Earthscan.
Brenner, N. 2013. ‘Thesis on Urbanization.’ Public Culture 69(1): 85-114.
Buckley, R and J. Kalarickal (2006) (eds) Thirty Years of World Bank Shelter Lending: what have we learned? World Bank: Washington DC.
Cheema, G.S. and Rondinelli, D.A. (eds.) (2007) Decentralizing Governance: Emerging Concepts and Practices. Washington DC: Brookings Institution.
Evans B. (2007) Understanding the Urban Poor’s Vulnerabilities in Sanitation and Water Supply.
Centre for Sustainable Urban Development.
Mitlin, D. and Satterthwaite, D. (2013) Urban poverty in the global South: Scale and nature.
Earthscan, London.
Moser, C.; Norton,A.; Stein, A. and Georgieva,S. (2010). Pro-Poor Adaptation to Climate Change in Urban Centers: Case Studies of vulnerability and Resilience in Kenya and Nicaragua. Washington D.C: World Bank.
Roy, A. and Alsayyad, N. (2004) Urban informality: Transnational perspectives from the Middle
East, Latin America and South Asia. Oxford, Lexington Books.
United Nations Human Settlements Programme (2013) Planning and Design for Sustainable Urban Mobility: Global Report on Human Settlements, UN-Habitat.
Study hours
Scheduled activity hours | |
Lectures | 18 |
Seminars | 2 |
Tutorials | 6 |
Independent study hours | |
Independent study | 124 |
Teaching staff
Staff member | Role |
Alfredo Stein Heinemann | Unit coordinator |