MSc Clinical Dentistry (Paediatric Dentistry) / Course details

Year of entry: 2024

Course unit details:
MSc Dissertation

Course unit fact file
Unit code DENT60020
Credit rating 60
Unit level FHEQ level 7 – master's degree or fourth year of an integrated master's degree
Teaching period(s) Variable teaching patterns
Available as a free choice unit? No


An MSc Dissertation is completed during the final year of a Masters programme. Students are offered a variety of formats for their dissertation, which are outlined in the unit materials. The dissertation is between 10,000-15,000 words. Learning is independent and self-directed. Students are supported with online learning materials and recommended reading lists. In addition, each student is allocated a supervisor, who provides one-to-one support.


Taught components of the MSc programme.


  • To develop the capacity for individual research, including the identification and formulation of a specific research question;
  • To develop transferable skills such as analysis, critical evaluation and argument;
  • To develop skills and knowledge, that can usefully be applied in further study or the dental profession.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the course unit, students will have acquired and developed the following knowledge, skills and attitude:

  • a thorough knowledge and understanding of how to develop a research study from question setting to budgetary considerations;
  • the ability to conceive of a research question and then approach the problem in a systematic fashion ensuring that each aspect of the study is considered and completed;
  • the ability to critique and understand the challenges in the conceptualization of a research study;
  • the acquisition of a critical and scientific mindset;
  • the ability to write in a structured, concise and accurate manner, keeping within word counts and ensuring that the document addresses all the necessary concepts and is submitted on time;
  • the acquisition of academic writing and time-keeping skills.

Teaching and learning methods

On-line teaching materials
Extended reading lists
Self-directed study
One-to-one supervision

Assessment methods

Method Weight
Dissertation 100%

Feedback methods

Formative feedback via supervisor upon agreement with supervisor.

Dissertation feedback - 6 weeks via examiners report.

Study hours

Scheduled activity hours
Project supervision 20
Independent study hours
Independent study 580

Teaching staff

Staff member Role
Juliette Kendall Unit coordinator

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