MSc Communications and Signal Processing / Course details

Year of entry: 2024

Course description

This course delivers a thorough, methodical and wide-ranging education in communications, signal processing, and microwave engineering. It covers in-depth materials including digital communication, wireless communications, mobile networks, digital signal processing, communication networks, and optical communications. In addition, students can choose between course units that specialise in signal and image processing, or antennas and microwave systems engineering. 

The course is aimed at those with prior undergraduate level knowledge on communication and signal processing, wishing to enhance their skills to an advanced level for a rewarding career in related industries. Graduates are also capable to conduct PhD study in world leading research groups and contribute new ideas towards the advancement of technologies.

Course unit list

The course unit details given below are subject to change, and are the latest example of the curriculum available on this course of study.

TitleCodeCredit ratingMandatory/optional
Dissertation EEEN60070 60 Mandatory
Antennas and RF Systems EEEN60121 15 Mandatory
Wireless Communications & Mobile Networks EEEN60162 15 Mandatory
Digital Communications Engineering EEEN60172 15 Mandatory
Applied Digital Signal Processing EEEN60472 15 Mandatory
Foundations of Communication Systems and Signal Analysis EEEN60481 15 Mandatory
Machine Learning and Optimisation Techniques EEEN60151 15 Optional
Digital Image Processing EEEN60161 15 Optional
Microwave Circuit Principles and Design EEEN60171 15 Optional
Networks and Internet of Things EEEN60482 15 Optional
Optical Communication Systems and Networks EEEN60492 15 Optional
Multi-Sensor Signal Processing & Imaging EEEN64441 15 Optional
Displaying 10 of 12 course units


Excellent facilities

With access to an  extensive range of leading facilities , you will get hands-on with industry-standard equipment - improving your knowledge and skills, and preparing you for work post-graduation. Our flagship facilities include the  High Voltage Lab  and  Photon Science Institute .

The future of learning in Manchester  

Our Home for Engineering and Materials Science is transforming the way our students study, research and shape the world forever. Now, more than ever, is the time to study at the University of Manchester. 

At the heart of the building’s design is a desire to bring together all disciplines, in one connected and dynamic environment. The space supports a variety of teaching and learning styles, through blended lecture theatres, multi-purpose study spaces and over 250 state-of-the-art laboratories. There is also a range of technical spaces to help encourage students to shape their own learning environment.  

We want our facilities to show ambition as well as recognise the real-world challenges that students will face in addressing some of the most pressing issues of our time. Our Home for Engineering and Materials Science boasts some of the most unique, industry-leading equipment and instrumentation in the sector to meet today’s requirements and those of the future.  

Explore  Our Home for Engineering and Material Science .  

Disability support

Practical support and advice for current students and applicants is available from the Disability Advisory and Support Service. Email: