EPSRC Doctoral Training Partnership Studentships in Alliance Manchester Business School (2022-23 entry)
Type of award
Managing departments
- Faculty of Humanities
- Alliance Manchester Business School
Each studentship comprises tuition fees, an annual stipend starting at approximately £15,609, and £1,000 research training support grant per year for four years.
Specified use
Tuition Fees, stipend and research training support grant.
Tenable period
The studentships are tenable for four years commencing September 2022
Continuation of award
Continuation of the award is subject to satisfactory progress.
Number available
One full-time PhD studentship is offered for candidates commencing the PhD studies in the Faculty of Humanities in the academic session 2022-23.
Funding provider
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Level(s) of study
This funding is available to students undertaking the following types of study:
- Postgraduate research
Allowed study options
This funding is available to students undertaking the following modes of study:
- Full-time
Subject restrictions
This funding is available to students undertaking study in:
- Accounting and Finance
- Business and Management
- Science, Technology and Innovation Policy
Academic requirements
Candidates must have an Upper Second class honours degree or above and a Masters degree with an overall mark of 65% or above, or an equivalent combination of qualifications and/or experience. Additionally, they are expected to meet the specific requirements of the intended PhD programme.
Nationality restrictions
Other eligibility criteria
The proposed research project must be within the remit of EPSRC's research themes. Please see EPSRC
website for information.
Application procedure
To be considered for this award, candidates should submit a complete PhD application
by 21 February 2022
and indicate that they wish to be considered for this particular funding opportunity.
Application form
Additional documentation
- PhD application form
- Degree certificate and transcripts
- Research proposal maximum of 1,500 words excluding reference. Over-length proposals will be automatically excluded from the Faculty consideration.
- A separate statement of fit to EPSRC research themes (maximum 250 words)
- Two academic references
Selection body
Faculty of Humanities Postgraduate Research Committee
Closing date
21 February 2022
Decision date
The outcome of this competition will be announced at the end of May 2022. Individual feedback on applications will not be available.
Contact details for enquiries
- Lynne Barlow-Cheetham
Tel: +44 (0)161 275 1200
Email: lynne.barlow-cheetham@manchester.ac.uk