PhD Social Anthropology / Programme details

Year of entry: 2024

Course unit details:
Issues in Ethnographic Research I

Course unit fact file
Unit code SOAN70641
Credit rating 15
Unit level FHEQ level 7 – master's degree or fourth year of an integrated master's degree
Teaching period(s) Semester 1
Available as a free choice unit? No


 This module is the first of two training modules for postgraduate research students who intend to use ethnographic research methods in their doctoral study. It is targeted at social anthropology students on the MA in Anthropological Research (MAAR) and those in the first year of a PhD in Social Anthropology. The module is designed in such a way as to facilitate the development of students' own research projects. It is not a methods course but a forum for discussing what most anthropologists would see as the, core aspect of their disciplinary identity: ethnography. Since most students will already be familiar with what ethnographic research entails, the module looks at each student's set of particular concerns when developing a research project. It focuses on the possibilities opened up by an ethnographic approach, on the formulation of research questions in ways that are suitable to such an approach, and on potential problems arising from it (and how to go about solving them).


Issues in Ethnographic Research 1 provides a forum for critical reflection on the practice of research, analysis and writing of ethnography as these inform anthropological knowledge today.

Learning outcomes

At the end of the module students will be able to construct a coherent outline of an anthropological research problem, to formulate a set of research questions and sub questions suitable to be explored through ethnographic research, to specify concrete research methods that are likely to lead to answers to those questions, and to develop strategies to deal with ethical issues that this research may raise.

As well as explore these for each of their own research projects, they will read ethnographic accounts critically to recognise and assess these in published work. The final assessment will measure their ability to recognise and assess the use of key features of the research process within published ethnographies.


This module is the first of two training modules for postgraduate research students who intend to use ethnographic research methods in their doctoral study. It is targeted at social anthropology students on the MA in Anthropological Research (MAAR) and those in the first year of a PhD in Social Anthropology. The module is designed in such a way as to facilitate the development of students' own research projects. It is not a methods course but a forum for discussing what most anthropologists would see as a, if not the, core aspect of their disciplinary identity: ethnography. Since most students will already be familiar with what ethnographic research entails, the module looks at a set of particular concerns when developing a research project. It focuses on the possibilities opened by an ethnographic approach through a series of exercises in ethnography for report and discussion in workshops. On the formulation of research questions in ways that are suitable to such an approach, and on potential problems arising from it (and how to go about solving them).

Teaching and learning methods

The module consists of eight x three-hour sessions presented as workshops.

In addition to practical research exercises, self-study through reading and note-taking, attendance at the seminars is a key requirement.

Workshops will consist of a mixture of lecturing, individual contributions, and group discussion. For this reason, and out of sheer courtesy, it is important that you inform the lecturer and other classmates by email of any absences in advance.

Assessment methods

One 4000-word assessed essay

Recommended reading

 This outline includes a preliminary reading list, organised per session topic. Some sessions have key readings (same for all) and sometimes we will distribute reading tasks. As for additional literature, use your critical sense and imagination when deciding what to read. A large list is included below. Your guiding selection principle should be your own research project-in-development. Use the library catalogues, www search engines, book tables of contents, indexes and cross-references to find additional appropriate texts. This is itself an exercise that forms part of the making of virtually every anthropological piece of work.

Study hours

Scheduled activity hours
Lectures 3
Independent study hours
Independent study 147

Teaching staff

Staff member Role
Karen Sykes Unit coordinator

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