PhD Egyptology / Careers

Year of entry: 2024

Career opportunities

During your time on the programme, you will undertake a broad range of research and skills training to prepare you for a career in universities, museum or other parts of the heritage sector.

Your supervisory team will help you explore and utilise opportunities for building up your CV through participation in staff research projects, fieldwork, museum exhibition work, contributing to public outreach and engagement, and publishing aspects of your research in relevant forums.

In today's job market, employers often look for sets of variable skills, in particular the kinds of investigate abilities and critical thinking which a PhD in Egyptology would foster. The PhD requires you to assess and analyse large data sets, often assemblages either archaeological or textual which are incomplete or poorly preserved requiring a great deal of originality in terms of approach. These skills are not only useful within the confines of academia or the heritage sector, but also more broadly in business and law.

Whatever area of employment you chose, a PhD in Egyptology will provide you with a number of desirable transferable skills and abilities which would enable you to function effectively on the job market, as well as enhancing your own intellectual and personal development.

The University has its own dedicated Careers Service that you would have full access to as a student and for two years after you graduate. At Manchester you will have access to a number of opportunities to help support you with your goals for the future.