This course is unavailable through clearing

This course is now full for our 2024 entry.

BA Archaeology and Anthropology / Application and selection

Year of entry: 2024

How to apply

Apply through UCAS

Advice to applicants

Potential candidates are expected to demonstrate why they have chosen this particular degree in their personal statement and express why the course interests them.

Applicants submitting mitigating circumstances

If you are submitting information about mitigating circumstances that have affected, or are likely to affect, your academic performance, you should include this in the referee's report.

We cannot usually take into account information that is supplied after an adverse decision has been made on an application by the admitting school.

(Examples of mitigating circumstances include family illness, problems with school facilities or an unusual curriculum followed by your school of college.)

How your application is considered

Applications are considered on the basis of an assessment of past and predicted academic achievements, the academic reference and personal statement.

Interview requirements

We don't normally interview for this degree, except in the case of mature applicants. In considering your application, all the information on the UCAS form is taken into account, particular attention being paid to academic qualifications and predictions, to your referee's confidential report, and to your personal statement.

Returning to education

We actively welcome applications from mature students with an interest in, or prior experience of, Archaeology.  We will consider applicants from a variety of educational backgrounds, whether they have completed A-levels, Access courses or other qualifications. We are sensitive to the particular concerns of mature students and can offer both full and part-time routes through the degree. Individual enquiries are welcome.

Overseas (non-UK) applicants

Applicants classed as international students who are studying Foundation Year Programmes, will be considered on the basis they have completed their High School education in full.


Deferring your entry is usually accepted, however, we do ask applicants to let us know as early as possible if they are intending to defer.

Policy for applicants who resit their qualifications

Any exceptional circumstances (e.g. illness prior, ongoing or at the time of your exams) should be included in your personal statement or in the academic reference.


If you applied in the previous year and your application was not successful you may apply again. Your application will be considered against the standard course entry criteria for that year of entry.  In your new application you should demonstrate how your application has improved.  We may draw upon all information from your previous applications or any previous registrations at the University as a student when assessing your suitability for your chosen course.If you are applying for a place for the same year of entry through UCAS Extra, you should provide additional evidence of your suitability for the course. If you are applying through clearing you are required to meet the clearing requirements. In both UCAS Extra and clearing the places will be subject to availability.