BAEcon Economics and Philosophy / Course details

Year of entry: 2024

Course unit details:
Fundamentals of Finance

Course unit fact file
Unit code BMAN10552
Credit rating 10
Unit level Level 1
Teaching period(s) Semester 2
Available as a free choice unit? Yes


The course unit introduces the basic concepts from a wide spectrum of topics in finance including financial statement analysis, time value of money, capital budgeting, bond valuation, stock valuation, stock returns and market efficiency, portfolio diversification, CAPM, capital structure, cost of capital, corporate governance, and behavioural finance, venture capital and initial public offerings.


BMAN10552 is a free choice option for students with prior agreement from their home schools. Core for MLBM, CSwBM and MathswBM.


This course unit introduces the fundamental concepts and techniques of finance. It is designed for non-finance specialist students or those without background knowledge in finance. Its purpose is to develop students’ financial literacy.

Learning outcomes

On completion of this unit, successful students will be able to:
- acquire knowledge of a range of topics in corporate finance;
- understand capital budgeting and security valuation
- appreciate the relationship between risk and return.

Teaching and learning methods

Lectures: 17 one hour lectures (2 hrs per week for 8 weeks and 1 hr for 1 week)
Workshops: 3 one hour workshops in teaching weeks 3, 6 and 8
Private study: 80 hours

Total study hours: 100 hours split between lectures, workshops reading, self-study and preparation for classes, coursework and examinations.

Informal Contact Methods

1. Office Hours
2. Online Learning Activities (blogs, discussions, self-assessment questions)
3. Drop-in Surgeries (extra help sessions for students on material they may be struggling with)

Assessment methods

Unseen examination (100%)


Feedback methods

- Informal advice during lectures.
- Discussion and feedback during small-group sessions (workshops).
- One-to-one advice and discussion during office hours.

- Online exercises, quizzes and concept questions through Blackboard (instant feedback provided via online learning platform).

- Responses from course lecturers and fellow students to questions and comments posted on Blackboard discussion forum.

- Generic feedback on assessment performance via Blackboard.

Recommended reading

Main Textbook:

Hiller, D., Clacher, I., Ross, S., Westerfield, R.,and Jordan, B. (2021) Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, European Edition, McGrawHill

Study hours

Scheduled activity hours
Assessment written exam 1.5
Lectures 17
Practical classes & workshops 3
Independent study hours
Independent study 78.5

Teaching staff

Staff member Role
Susanne Espenlaub Unit coordinator
Yoichi Otsubo Unit coordinator

Additional notes

Length of course: 12 weeks
Pre-requisites: None
Co-requisites: None
Dependent course units:

• BMAN23000(A) or (B) Foundations of Finance subject to passing BMAN10552 Fundamentals of Finance at 60% or above, BMAN20072 Investment Analysis if taken alongside BMAN23000(A) or (B) Foundations of Finance.

• BMAN20081 Financial Statement Analysis subject to passing BMAN10621 Fundamentals of Financial Reporting at 40% or above and BMAN10552 Fundamentals of Finance at 60% or above

Programme Restrictions:
Not available to students who have taken or are currently taking BMAN10522 or BMAN10522(M) Financial Decision Making.

BMAN10552 Fundamentals of Finance is available as a free choice option to students who have received prior agreement from their registering School.

BMAN10552 is available to study abroad and exchange students admitted through the University of Manchester International Programmes Office.

For Academic Year 2023/24

Updated: March 2023

Approved by: March UG Committee


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