This course is available through clearing for home and international applicants

If you already have your exam results, meet the entry requirements, and are not holding an offer from a university or college, then you may be able to apply to this course.

Contact the admissions team

BMidwif Midwifery / Application and selection

Year of entry: 2024

How to apply

Apply through UCAS .

Advice to applicants

Please refer to the  Application Process  page for further guidance on the following:
  • how your application is considered;
  • personal statement guidance;
  • interview requirements;
  • notes to applicants.

Occupational Health Screening

As a condition of an offer of a place to study midwifery at The University of Manchester, applicants will be asked to complete a health assessment questionnaire. Please read the full occupational health screening details  (PDF).

What is it like to be a student midwife?

Read our student blog for an insight into studying midwifery at Manchester.

Things to consider:

  • Are you a people person? You should be good at listening as well as talking and have a commitment to empowering others.
  • Do you cope well under pressure? You will be proficient by the time you qualify as a midwife, but you should consider that you will experience stressful situations where you will have to make important decisions that affect the lives of mothers, babies and families.
  • Do you have good time management skills and a commitment to shift work? You will be required to fit your study around clinical days and your time in university.


Previous guidance regarding mandatory vaccination for Covid for courses with a clinical or healthcare placement has been paused, in line with government advice. However both NHS England and NHS Improvement view getting vaccinated for healthcare staff and students as a professional duty. We therefore continue to highly recommend all students on this course to take up their COVID-19 vaccinations as soon as they are eligible.

Interview requirements

Interviews are part of the selection process. Please refer to the  Application Process  page.

Returning to education

We welcome applications from candidates returning to education. If you are returning to education, you should have completed some assessed study at level 3 in the five years prior to the start of the course.

If you do not have recent study but otherwise meet the academic entry requirements, we recommend you consider enrolling on an AS-/A-level, Access to HE Course or an Open University module in a relevant subject to enhance your application.

Please contact us for individual advice.

Overseas (non-UK) applicants

Currently, this course is only available to students who qualify for home student status .

Fitness to practise / health requirements

All offers will be dependent on the outcome of an occupational health review to determine that you are fit to start the course and do not pose a health risk to colleagues or clients.

Midwifery requires physical stamina and emotional resilience, and you should consider these demands before you apply.

There are a limited number of medical conditions (such as being a chronic carrier of Hepatitis B) that may affect your ability to register as a midwife with the NMC and your freedom to practice in certain clinical situations on health and safety grounds.

All students are assessed by the occupational health team as they must be able to meet the essential competencies required for midwifery practice.

If you have concerns about an existing medical condition, disability or learning support need, you can be reassured that we will offer support through our excellent Student Occupational Health Department and Disability Advisory and Support Office , and will make reasonable adjustments to assist you to meet the demands of the course.

If you have any health concerns, please feel free to contact the Occupational Health Department.

Tel: +44 (0)161 275 2858Email:

COVID-19 and your practice learning environment

Your health and safety are very important, and we have implemented several measures to help maintain students' health and safety while on campus and in practice. These have been informed and approved by the Occupational Health Team.

All midwifery students are required to complete an individual COVID Risk Assessment, and this enables a joined-up approach to consider the individual risk level and the risk level of the learning environment. Appropriate adjustments are made in response to these two assessments.

Depending on your assessed risk, an Individual Support Plan for Practice may be developed, and will be reviewed periodically with your academic advisor throughout the academic year.

When a student is found to be at very high risk of severe effects from a COVID infection, it may be recommended that they defer the start of their course or interrupt their studies. Midwifery is a practice-based discipline and the course requires attendance in the clinical learning environment alongside theory learning.

You will be able to discuss any concerns as part of the occupational health review and risk assessment processes before you commence your studies.

Disclosure and Barring Service check

Completion of a self-declaration form relating to any criminal record will be a condition of any offer. All students must also comply with an Enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check, which must match their previously submitted self-declaration.

For more information, see:  Criminal record checks carried out as part of the admissions process (PDF).


Applications for deferred entry are considered equally to other applications up to the point of confirmation. Requests for deferred entry are granted on the discretion of admissions staff, and are normally granted for one year only. Some English Language test results, such as IELTS or TOEFL, are only valid for two years from the test date.

Policy for applicants who resit their qualifications

We accept applications from students who intend to re-sit their examinations.

We also accept applications from students who have achieved their qualifications over a number of years.

Policy for applicants who take their examinations in more than one sitting

We accept applications from students who intend to re-sit their examinations.

We also accept applications from students who have achieved their qualifications over a number of years.


If you have applied before and your application was not successful, you may apply again.

Your application will be considered against the standard course entry criteria for that year of entry. In your new application, you should demonstrate how your application has improved.

We may draw upon all information from your previous applications, or any previous registrations at the University as a student when assessing your suitability for your chosen course.

If you are applying for a place for the same year of entry through  UCAS Extra  - you should provide additional evidence of your suitability for the course.

If you are applying through clearing, you are still required to meet the usual entry requirements. In both UCAS Extra and clearing, the places will be subject to availability.

If you have previously commenced a midwifery or nursing course, but did not complete this, you should include this information in your application.


We may be able to consider a transfer from another midwifery course at the end of Year 1 if we have placement capacity and if there is a sufficient match between the Year 1 learning outcomes for the two courses.

You will only be considered if you have been making reasonable progress in your Year 1 assessments and there are no 'fitness to practice' concerns.

A reference from your current university will be required.

Please provide a full list of your Year 1 units to so we can assess compatibility between the courses.

If you wish to transfer from a different University of Manchester degree course, you must meet our usual entry requirements and will go through the same shortlisting and interview processes as UCAS applicants, and will only be considered for Year 1 entry.

Please provide a full list of your qualifications, personal statement and referee details to .