This course is available through clearing for home and international applicants

If you already have your exam results, meet the entry requirements, and are not holding an offer from a university or college, then you may be able to apply to this course.

Contact the admissions team

BMidwif Midwifery / Careers

Year of entry: 2024

Career opportunities

Immediate career prospects are excellent for newly qualified midwives and most of our graduates take up employment within the NHS. Find out more on the NHS careers website .

Our close working relationships with the maternity services across Greater Manchester facilitate a smooth transition into employment as a midwife within the city.

Midwives may choose to continue to develop as expert clinicians or develop careers in service management, research, education or public health. Studying for our integrated master's in Midwifery will develop your leadership skills in all these areas, providing you with a big step-up in your midwifery career.

You may also be able to work in certain countries overseas, as midwifery education in the UK is well respected around the world.

This course will ensure an excellent start to a life-long career as a midwife and will provide you with a strong basis for future developments in clinical practice, public health, professional leadership, education or research.

Accrediting organisations

The Nursing and Midwifery Council  (NMC) is the UK regulator for midwifery. Its primary purpose is to protect the public by ensuring high standards of professional practice.

It maintains a register of qualified nurses and midwives eligible to practice in the UK and sets national standards for their education, training and conduct.

Our midwifery curriculum was designed in consultation with past and current students, local service users and employers in conjunction with all relevant NMC standards. The course was approved by the NMC and other external reviewers in March 2022.

Associated organisations

We have a strong collaborative relationship with all our NHS partners and there is a shared commitment to providing high-quality education for all of our students.

The University has good communication with all of the partner trusts and supports staff and students with education issues. Many experienced clinical staff contribute to the teaching of the course.

Our students undertake their practice-based learning with our partner trusts .