This course is available through clearing for home and international applicants

If you already have your exam results, meet the entry requirements, and are not holding an offer from a university or college, then you may be able to apply to this course.

Contact the admissions team

BMidwif Midwifery / Entry requirements

Year of entry: 2024



ABB including a science such as Biology, Chemistry or Applied Science. Applicants who are not studying biology or chemistry A-level may apply if they are studying another relevant subject, such as Psychology, Sociology or Health and Social Care.

A typical offer for applicants studying a related subject not including biology or chemistry is set at AAB. Please contact the Admissions office to ask about other relevant subjects. If you receive an offer from us but have not previously studied human biology, we may recommend that you do some human biology reading prior to commencing the course.


We do not accept AS grades in place of A2-level grades.

Unit grade information

The University of Manchester welcomes the provision of unit information where available. 

Like all other information provided by applicants this may be taken into consideration when assessing your application.  Unit grades will not normally form part of our offer conditions.


Applicants must demonstrate a broad general education including five GCSES/iGCSES at Grade B or 6. These may include your English, Science and Mathematics if at Grade B or 6.

English Language, Mathematics and Science are required at GCSE/iGCSE level with a minimum Grade of C or 4.

GCSE/iGCSE English Literature will not be accepted in lieu of GCSE/iGCSE English Language.

Please note that if you hold English as a second language iGCSE qualification, we may also require you to offer one of our acceptable equivalent English Language qualifications or achieve a higher grade in your iGCSE than the one stated above. Please contact the Admissions office for clarification.

Please note that we do not accept Functional Skills 2 or equivalent qualifications in place of GCSE English and Maths. We may consider alternative science qualifications such as the BTEC First Certificate/Diploma in Applied Science. We accept Scottish Standard Grades and Intermediates in place of GCSEs.

For applicants whose status has been confirmed as WP+ using the University's Contextual Data Eligibility tool , we will allow an overall reduction of 2 grades on the full GCSE requirements. Please note, however, that no individual subject should be lower than C/4.

For applicants whose status has been confirmed as WP++ using the University's Contextual Data Eligibility tool , we will allow an overall reduction of 4 grades on the full GCSE requirements. Please note, however, that no individual subject should be lower than C/4. 

International Baccalaureate

34 points overall with 6, 5, 5 at Higher Level.

The course specific requirements are 34 points overall with three higher level subjects at grades 6, 5, 5, including Biology or Chemistry.

You may also apply without science if you have 35 points, 6, 6, 5 at higher level including at least one relevant subject eg psychology, sociology or geography.

Alternative entry requirements

Alternative entry requirements exist for this course. You may view these by selecting from the list below.

English language

All applicants to the University (from the UK and overseas) are required to show evidence of English Language proficiency. The minimum English Language requirement for this course is either:

  • GCSE/iGCSE English Language grade C/4 or;
  • IELTS 7.0, with no component less than 7.0.or;
  • An acceptable equivalent qualification.

Please note that if you hold English as a second language iGCSE qualification, we may also require you to offer one of our acceptable equivalent English Language qualifications or achieve a higher grade in your iGCSE than the one stated above. Please contact the academic School for clarification.

The UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) requires that every student from outside the UK and the EU must show evidence of a minimum level of English Language in order to be granted a UK visa (Tier 4 visa) to study at undergraduate or postgraduate level. This level is often referred to as the 'B2 level'.

Additionally, our individual Schools may ask for specific English Language proficiency levels that are necessary for their academic programmes. In most cases these requirements are likely to be higher than the B2 level. Further information about our English Language policy, including a list of some of the English Language qualifications we accept, can be found on the English language requirements page .

English language test validity

Some English Language test results are only valid for two years. Your English Language test report must be valid on the start date of the course.

Relevant work experience

Work experience from a range of different areas is relevant, particularly experience involving the use of communication and customer service skills.

Current students have also found a variety of hospitals, care homes, Sure Start centres, voluntary settings and charity organisations that support women and families to be suitable opportunities for work experience.

We recognise that it can be very difficult for you to gain work experience placements in midwifery settings. This is not a requirement for a successful application. However, we do expect applicants to have worked hard to develop their understanding of midwifery through independent reading, talking to midwives and exploring service users' views.

The programme team recognise the restrictions on work experience opportunities and will take this into account. However, we strongly recommend that you seek conversations with midwives about their role and work life.