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If you already have your exam results, meet the entry requirements, and are not holding an offer from a university or college, then you may be able to apply to this course.

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BA American Studies / Careers

Year of entry: 2024

Career opportunities

A degree in American Studies from the University of Manchester provides you with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to embark on a successful, and rewarding career in the global workplace of the twenty-first century.

Over the past decade and far beyond our graduates have entered any number of fields, including the professions of teaching, law, accountancy, journalism, publishing, and even surveying. Many now occupy commanding roles in the 'creative industries', both in the UK and elsewhere.

On the Careers and employability page you can read more about how we are preparing students for the workplaces of tomorrow, and the role that a degree in American Studies has played in recent years in shaping the professional lives of many of our graduates.