This course is available through clearing for home and international applicants

If you already have your exam results, meet the entry requirements, and are not holding an offer from a university or college, then you may be able to apply to this course.

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BSc Environmental Science / Careers

Year of entry: 2024

Career opportunities

I feel incredibly proud to have studied here.

The University has helped me to gain contacts from an industry that I never thought I'd be remotely interested in and have truly provided a platform on which I can succeed. Without their help and support, the opportunities I have been fortunate enough to experience would never have happened.

Matt Petinaud / Environmental Science Graduate, Carbon and Energy Consultant at Envantage

Study at one of the most targeted universities in the UK for top graduate employers* and enrich your employability with a degree in Environmental Science.

We work closely together with employers to ensure that the training our undergraduates receive during their Environmental Science degree equips them for getting a great graduate job and excelling in it.

Our contacts in industry highlight the key skills they desire in our graduates. Key amongst these is an enthusiasm for learning. Your grounding in maths, physics, chemistry and biology will provide you with opportunities to work in a range of fields. Typical professions our graduates go on to include:

  • Scientific research;
  • Atmospheric science;
  • Public policy;
  • Environmental consultancy and earth resources;
  • Teaching.

And our graduates have secured roles with prestigious employers including:

  • Atkins;
  • KPMG;
  • RSK;
  • the Met Office;
  • United Utilities
  • the Environment Agency.

In the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences we are passionate about our work on climate science, ecosystem conservation, micro-plastic pollution, dinosaur evolution, volcanoes, Earth's formation and the distribution of resources within it. This passion is shared with our students, producing an enthusiasm and capacity for learning which serves them throughout their careers and lives. 

Nurturing dynamic skill sets

Further key skills sought by graduate employers are flexible problem-solving using a variety of approaches, teamwork, communication skills, numeracy and computer programming. Our graduates are trained in these skills from day one of their degrees. 


With our support, Manchester undergraduates successfully apply each year for highly competitive summer internships across the globe. Prestigious destinations include the Juneau Icefield Research Programme: Mass Balance. Many students also gain prestigious industrial placements such as working in Group Manufacturing Sustainability at UniLever.

* (The Graduate Market in 2024, High Flier's research)

Accrediting organisations

This programme is accredited by the Committee of Heads of Environmental Sciences (CHES), the education committee of the Institution of Environmental Sciences (IES). CHES is the collective voice of the environmental sciences academic community and serves to enhance the quality of environmental education worldwide.

A programme accredited by CHES is assured to meet high standards, contain a strong component of practical, field and theoretical activities, and has excellent opportunities for training, work experience and links to the professional environmental sector. Students enrolled on CHES accredited programmes can apply for free Student Membership of the IES and for a fast-track route to membership once they graduate, starting you on a route towards becoming a Chartered Environmentalist or Chartered Scientist.