Course unit details:
Auditing & Professional Accounting Practice I

Course unit fact file
Unit code BMAN10760
Credit rating 20
Unit level Level 1
Teaching period(s) Full year
Available as a free choice unit? No


The course will include the following main components 
•    The theory of auditing 
•    Application of auditing theory 
•    The development of an audit tender for a large Plc 
•    Personal development during the programme 
Development of academic skills 


BMAN10760 is core for BSc Accounting and BSc Business Accounting.

BMAN10760 is core for BSc Accounting and BSc Business Accounting. 


This course aims to provide students with:  
1.    An introduction to the nature of businesses, the environment in which they operate, and the role of accounting in professional practice.  
2.    An introduction to the fundamental principles of audit and assurance, and development of their understanding of the audit process.  
3.    The research skills necessary for the collection, analysis and interpretation of business and accounting data, in particular useful for bidding for the audit contract of a company.  
4.    Key skills and techniques needed to succeed in a career in accounting practice. This includes developing a capacity to make convincing presentations to potential clients, and the ability to write essays and reports.  

Learning outcomes

On completion of this unit students will be able to:  
1.    Demonstrate a commercial understanding and awareness of current business issues  
2.    Discuss in an informed way current issues in accounting and auditing practice;  
3.    Use research skills to prepare a submission for an audit tender;  
4.    Demonstrate the ability to put into practice transferable skills for employability and further study;  
5.    Explain the purpose of assurance, the nature of a statutory audit and the key stages in the audit process; 
6.    Understand the assurance process and fundamental principles of ethics, and are able to contribute to the assessment of internal controls and gathering of evidence on an assurance engagement  

Teaching and learning methods

Lecture hours:40 hours of lectures 
Workshops: 40 hours of workshops 
Private study: 120 hours 
Total study hours 200 hours 

Total study hours: 200 hours split between lectures, classes, self study and preparation for classes, and assessments. 

Class exercises and various case studies will be used for the audit workshops. 

Blackboard and other web-based resources will be used. 

Some sessions will be delivered by external professional advisors. 

Employability skills

This module has been specifically designed with the aim to enhance your exposure to professional practice. Many aspects of the module are tailored specifically to support your ability to apply for a job in Accounting. Much of the workshop time is devoted to understanding and developing the skills required by employers (e.g. team working, commercial awareness, time management, communication skills, etc.). The methods of assessment engaged in this course will also enhance your employability skills e.g. group presentation and writing exercises.

Assessment methods

Group project 30% 

Examination 70%  


Feedback methods

Students will receive on-going feedback on work and discussions during the classes.  
Feedback will also be provided to students on the group project report within 15 working days of submission.  
Students will be able to attend office hours to discuss their questions and progress with course lecturers and academic advisors.  

Written and/or verbal comments after students have given a group or individual presentation. 

Recommended reading

Core textbooks:

Millichamp A., and Taylor J.R., (2018), Auditing, 11th Ed., Cengage Learning EMEA ISBN 1473749301 

Supplementary textbooks:

Arers, Elders & Beasley: 'Auditing & Assurance Services: An Integrated Approach' (2007) 13th Ed, Pearson Higher Education. 

Phil Race 'How to get a Good Degree' (Open University Press 1999) 

Developing Essential Study Skills, (2000), E. Payne and L. Whittaker, Pearson Education Limited, 2000. 

Allen, Rebecca, A wider perspective and more options: instigating the longer term employability of humanities graduates, Higher Education Academy (2006) 

Hawkins, P., The Art of Building Windmills: Career Tactics for the 21st Century, (1999) 

Hawkins, P., Skills for Graduates in the 21st century (1995) Association of Graduate Recruiters 

Financial Press 


Study hours

Scheduled activity hours
Assessment written exam 2
Lectures 40
Practical classes & workshops 40
Independent study hours
Independent study 118

Teaching staff

Staff member Role
Jennifer Rose Unit coordinator

Additional notes

Other staff involved: TBC

Pre-requisites: None 

Co-requisites: None 

Dependent courses: BMAN20881 Professional Accounting Practice and BMAN20812 Business Strategy 

Programme Restrictions: Compulsory for BSc Accounting and BSc Business Accounting students. Not offered to other students. 

For Academic Year 2023/24

Updated: March 2023

Approved by: March UG Committee

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