Master of Science (MSci)

MSci Medical Physiology

Gain invaluable research skills and experience through our four-year course and achieve an undergraduate master's award alongside your BSc.
  • Duration: 4 years
  • Year of entry: 2025
  • UCAS course code: 3A48 / Institution code: M20
  • Key features:
  • Study abroad
  • Accredited course

Full entry requirementsHow to apply

Fees and funding


Tuition fees for home students commencing their studies in September 2025 will be £9,535 per annum (subject to Parliamentary approval). Tuition fees for international students will be £34,500 per annum. For general information please see the undergraduate finance pages.

Additional expenses


Policy on additional costs

All students should normally be able to complete their programme of study without incurring additional study costs over and above the tuition fee for that programme. Any unavoidable additional compulsory costs totalling more than 1% of the annual home undergraduate fee per annum, regardless of whether the programme in question is undergraduate or postgraduate taught, will be made clear to you at the point of application. Further information can be found in the University's Policy on additional costs incurred by students on undergraduate and postgraduate taught programmes (PDF document, 91KB).

Course unit details:
Microbes, Humankind and the Environment

Course unit fact file
Unit code BIOL10532
Credit rating 10
Unit level Level 1
Teaching period(s) Semester 2
Available as a free choice unit? No


Microbes, extremely diverse both in form and in function, play a critical role in the global ecosystem. You will explore how these organisms evolved from more primitive lifeforms to colonise new environmental niches. You will study their interactions with plants, animals and insects and how they impact on our everyday lives.


To investigate the diversity of form and function of microbes in relation to environmental niches. To consider the breadth of microbial interactions with other organisms in the ecosystem and the impact of those interactions on human affairs.

Learning outcomes

Students will understand how microbes evolved structurally and metabolically from primitive organisms diversifying into new niches. Students will appreciate the breadth of microbes and their critical role in the global ecosystem and understand how microbes form associations and interactions with plants, animals and insects, and how these associations continue to impact on our everyday lives.


Microbial evolution and nutrition

  • The origin of life, phylogeny, evolution of bacteria, Archaea and fungi
  • Evolution of microbes into diversifying ecosystems
  • Diversity of energy-generating systems of microbes.
  • Microbial structure, replication and motility
  • Bacterial replication, structure, adhesion, motility and growth
  • Fungal replication, yeasts, moulds and spores
  • Diversity of viruses and viral replication.

Microbes in the environment

  • Carbon cycling in the ecosystem. Brown rots and white rot fungi
  • Nitrogen cycling in the ecosystem. Ammonification, nitrification and de-nitrification.

Microbial partnerships

  • Microbial associations with plant roots. Legumes, rhizobia and nitrogen fixation. Mycorrhizal associations with plant roots, from trees to orchids
  • Microbial associations with animals and insects. Ruminants and hind gut fermenters. Cellulose digestion, methanogens and chytrids. Termites and leaf cutter ants.

Microbes as pathogens

  • Human-microbe interactions
  • Introduction to bacterial pathogenicity
  • Bacterial exotoxins and endotoxins as virulence factors
  • Viral diseases of man
  • Epidemiology; the spread of disease through the population
  • Microbial pathogens of plants and insects. Colonisation and invasion strategies
  • Viral diseases of man. Antimicrobials and targets
  • Antibiotics; targets and modes of action
  • Emergence and mechanism of antibiotic resistance

Microbial Biotechnology

  • Microbes and food. Use of microbes in food and beverage production. Food spoilage and toxins
  • Exploitation of natural microbial communities in the treatment of sewage
  • Exploitation of bacteria for plant transformation for the production of genetically modified crops
  • Use of bacterial toxins and resistance genes for novel pest and weed control

Employability skills

Analytical skills
Students may have the opportunity to develop these skills through eLearning exercises which contribute towards 5% of the unit mark.
Problem solving
Students may have the opportunity to develop these skills through eLearning exercises which contribute towards 5% of the unit mark.

Assessment methods

Method Weight
Other 5%
Written exam 95%

95% awarded for a one hour examination which includes 50 MCQs, in the semester 2 examination period, and 5% awarded for eLearning exercises.

Feedback methods

Feedback is through eLearning modules running throughout the unit.

Study hours

Scheduled activity hours
Assessment written exam 1
Lectures 22
Independent study hours
Independent study 77

Teaching staff

Staff member Role
Nicola High Unit coordinator

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