A lasting legacy: Celebrating 200 years
The latest section of Bicentenary Way has been unveiled, bringing our 200th celebrations to a fitting close.
On Wednesday, 18 December we celebrated the close of our 200th year with a special event unveiling the new section of Bicentenary Way.
This legacy installation, located in Brunswick Park and opposite the Queen’s Arch, recognises key figures and groups who have made inspirational contributions to the life of the University and to society more generally.
Alongside recognisable historical figures, it also features those who, though perhaps lesser known, embody our values and community spirit, and have shown what it means to make a difference.
The event brought together honourees featured on Bicentenary Way and their guests with members of our staff, students and alumni community, who played a valuable role in supporting our bicentenary celebrations throughout 2024.
Keisha Thompson – writer, performer, producer and alumna – stands beside her stone.
Guests were welcomed by Luke Georghiou, Deputy President and Deputy Vice-Chancellor, who delivered an inspiring speech, highlighting the University's rich heritage and the achievements of our community over the past two centuries. He emphasised the importance of Bicentenary Way as a testament to the University's enduring values and commitment to making a difference.
Everyone then had the opportunity to explore the installation and discover the fascinating stories behind the names featured – via both the Bicentenary Way webpage and conversations with honourees present.
Afterwards, celebrations continued at Christie’s Bistro, where guests were invited to warm up with festive food and drink and watch exclusive behind-the-scenes footage of Bicentenary Way’s creation.
Professor Duncan Ivison, University President and Vice-Chancellor, speaks to guests in Christie's Bistro.
President and Vice-Chancellor, Duncan Ivison, also took the opportunity to share stories of some of the remarkable individuals who inspire him most and gave a heartfelt thank you to all attendees, especially the honourees and their families, for their contributions to the University's legacy.
As we step into our third century, Bicentenary Way stands as a lasting tribute to the people who have shaped our history and will continue to inspire future generations.
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Bicentenary Way: Behind the scenes
Our video takes you behind the scenes to see how our Bicentenary Way stones were sourced, cut and engraved: