Resources for Extended Project tutors and assessors

Experienced researchers at Manchester have designed a series of bespoke workshops specifically to support students studying for the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ), or undertaking an Extended Project as part of a diploma. These sessions can be used by teachers delivering the taught element of the EPQ to provide students with an excellent grounding in the academic and intellectual skills required. Our EPQ support and resources are also of relevance to students undertaking other research projects or qualifications, such as: HPQs; Welsh Baccalaureates; international EPQs; and extended A-level essays.

Powerpoint presentations for the seven workshops are available to download below, along with accompanying teaching notes, activities and worksheets. They are accessible, adaptable and designed to encourage students to develop as reflective learners, preparing them for the evaluative element of the Extended Project.

Most workshops are suitable for all project types and are appropriate to all exam board specifications. They can also be used to support the teaching of research modules in other A-Level and BTEC qualifications.

All resources are free of charge.

We welcome your feedback on our workshops and resources. Whether you are a teacher or a student, we would like to know how useful you found our presentations and handouts, and any suggestions for future developments. The form will only take you a couple of minute to complete.

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1. Making a Start

This session provides some basic pointers that will help students identify a suitable topic and question for their Extended Project. For those students who already have a topic in mind, the session will offer tools to refine and focus their thoughts. It may also lead students to develop ideas they had not previously considered.

2. Smart Reading

Most Extended Projects - whether they involve production of a dissertation, investigation, artefact or performance – will require students to digest and respond to a considerable amount of written information.

This session introduces students to 'active' research. It provides strategies for reading sources and taking notes effectively, and also helps students with the reflective aspects of the Extended Project.

3. Engaging with Visual Culture

This workshop aims to develop students’ understanding of how visual culture, including imagery, objects and architecture, can be used within the Extended Project, emphasising the interdisciplinary nature of visual culture. By the end of this workshop, students will understand the differences between different types of media; be able to apply questions to images within any given context; understand the role of codes and signifiers; and respond with confidence to visual material.

4. Referencing, Not Plagiarising

Referencing properly is an important aspect of all research, and this workshop provides students with guidance on how to reference correctly in order to avoid plagiarism. It looks at when and how to cite sources and introduces students to the Harvard style of referencing.

5. Report-Writing

The Extended Project covers many different formats of projects, for example, a dissertation, performance or field study. Although this session is aimed at students undertaking the dissertation project (5,000 words), it will be useful for all types of project, as the same principles apply to writing shorter reports. The session encourages students to think about the structure and writing of their report early on in their project planning, and provides tips on critical writing.

6. Effective Presentations

This workshop aims to prepare students for their end-of-project presentation. It focuses on structuring a presentation, using visual aids effectively and delivering a successful presentation.

7. Visualisation and Presentation of Data

This workshop provides advice and guidance on using and presenting data as part of an assignment. The session looks at different types of data and when and how to use such data in assignments and presentations.