Good research conduct

The University of Manchester’s Code of Good Research Conduct sets out our commitment to research integrity and our expectations of those who conduct research in our name.

We expect the highest standards of research integrity from the researchers we support, irrespective of the sources of their funding, their area of research, their experience as researchers, whether they are lone scholars or members of a research team or where the research is to be conducted. 

Our commitment to research integrity

We’re committed to fostering the highest standards of research integrity within a pioneering research culture that values knowledge creation for its own sake, for the potential benefits it promises humankind and for the ways it enriches higher learning.

Our expectations of good research conduct

It is the responsibility of all researchers and staff supporting research to conduct their research in accordance with the ten Principles set out in our Code of Good Research Conduct and in compliance with relevant University policies. 

Download the Code of Good Research Conduct (PDF, 234KB).

Report research misconduct

Researchers should be aware of the extreme seriousness of research misconduct.  Staff and students of the University have an obligation to report suspected research misconduct in accordance with the University’s Code of Practice for Investigating Concerns about the Conduct of Research.