BASS Social Anthropology and Sociology

Year of entry: 2024

Course unit details:
Market Research

Course unit fact file
Unit code SOST20042
Credit rating 10
Unit level Level 2
Teaching period(s) Semester 2
Available as a free choice unit? Yes


The aim of this course is to develop a working knowledge of the basic techniques used in contemporary market research. We focus on both public-sector and private-sector markets for various products and services. Case-study sectors include "fast fashion" and the food industry, dentistry and cinema-related products & services.


The aim of this course is to develop a working knowledge of the basic techniques used in contemporary market research. These skills include quantitative research skills, assessing validity of information, qualitative data gathering, data analysis, report writing, and using online statistical resources.

Learning outcomes

On completion of this unit successful students will know what market research is and be able to explain how it differs from marketing itself; will be able to understand and identify secondary data sources for UK markets; will know how to plan the collection of primary data (including sampling, designing questionnaires, and conducting focus-groups); will be able to implement a simple qualitative methodology (focus groups), and be able to design a simple market research process; and lastly, they will have knowledge of market research firms and related occupational niches that employ social-science researchers.

Teaching and learning methods

Lectures and tutorials.

Please note the information in scheduled activity hours are for guidance only and may change.

Assessment methods

Method Weight
Other 20%
Written exam 80%

20% Coursework

80% Exam

Feedback methods

We offer a variety of forms of feedback to students.

  • Informal verbal feedback will be given during tutorials for individual and group work. (You’ll need to contribute regularly to group discussions to make the best use of this.)
  • You also have the opportunity to meet staff in office hours - no appointment required.
  • Written feedback will be given on your assessed assignment via Turnitin.
  • Exam results are published as a grade. If you wish to discuss your exam performance with your lecturer please book an office hour slot by email.

In addition, a feedback half-day will be offered.

For information about feedback please follow this link:

Recommended reading

McGivern, Y. (2013, or the 2008 edition or Kindle edition) The Practice of Market Research: An Introduction, London: Financial Times/ Prentice Hall.

Study hours

Independent study hours
Independent study 76.5

Teaching staff

Staff member Role
Jacqueline Carter Unit coordinator

Additional notes

Scheduled activity hours 23.5 hour

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