Bachelor of Engineering (BEng)

BEng Mechanical Engineering with Management

Gain invaluable and practical skills from the one of the most targeted universities by top graduate employers (THE Graduate Market 2024).

  • Duration: 3 years
  • Year of entry: 2025
  • UCAS course code: H3N1 / Institution code: M20
  • Key features:
  • Scholarships available

Full entry requirementsHow to apply

Course description

The BEng Mechanical Engineering with Management will give you an excellent grounding in the knowledge and experience of the most fundamental of all engineering disciplines, preparing you for a variety of careers in engineering, technology, business and management.

You will learn that engineering is not just about technology. It is about people, companies, manufacturing and commerce.

Engineering decisions must normally be made within a commercial context and engineers are often found in senior management positions where they are required to be leaders and strategic planners, as well as problem-solvers and designers.

Combining engineering with management, you will study a lively, interesting and multidisciplinary degree, with excellent career prospects for graduates.

You will emerge from this degree as a well-rounded graduate with not only a solid engineering training, but also a useful insight into the commercial world. This will equip you for a wide range of careers, including general management and sales, as well as jobs in more technical fields.

As in Mechanical Engineering BEng, in addition to core and optional units in the third year, you will also undertake a major individual research project. 


As a mechanical engineer of the future, the course aims to provide you with an education that covers the breadth of this diverse subject, imparting the necessary knowledge, understanding and skills so that you can operate effectively in your initial appointment and develop your career:

  • Develop strong intellectual and practical skills to critically analyse, investigate and solve mechanical engineering problems
  • Develop a high degree of competence in the use and adaptation of existing methods, tools and techniques and the application of engineering principles
  • Instil creativity in addressing problems relating to engineering components and systems
  • Develop a high degree of competence in engineering design, experimentation, technologies of manufacturing and effective management of companies
  • Develop skills in the use of computers, software packages, team working, communication, time management and independent learning
  • Provide a greater emphasis on the effective management of businesses within the engineering industry, including project management, finance, accounting and marketing

Special features

Range of study options

You can extend your degree by a year to undertake the integrated master's in Mechanical Engineering with Management.

Foundation Year available 

You can prepare for the full degree course if you do not have the appropriate qualifications for direct entry by undertaking our  foundation course first. 

Teaching and learning

At Manchester you will be taught by academic staff who are leading experts in mechanical engineering, in a diverse and inclusive learning environment.

We use a combination of lectures, tutorial classes, practical laboratory sessions and computer-based sessions.

There is a design project each year, which involves teamwork in small groups, and allows you to apply and develop your problem-solving and project management skills. 

In the third year you will undertake an individual project, allowing you to pursue a particular subject or application area in greater depth. 

Coursework and assessment

Most course units are assessed through an examination (at the end of the semester) and coursework which is undertaken throughout the year.  Parts of the coursework are, in many instances, associated with practical laboratory sessions, whilst others may be based on problem sheets, reports etc. A few subjects, for example Design, are assessed purely on coursework. For detailed information about how different subjects are assessed, please see the course unit specifications below.

Course unit details

Key engineering knowledge and skills are taught in a core syllabus throughout all years of the course.

We view design as an especially important activity, as it integrates the engineering topics across the degree course. Years 1 and 2 also include compulsory workshop practice sessions.

Year 3 also offers a range of options, so that you can select subjects to suit your individual needs, interests and career aspirations.

Options cover many theoretical and practical aspects of industrially relevant topics and include some of the latest developments in mechanical engineering.

An individual research project is completed in Year 3.

Course content for year 1

Course units for year 1

The course unit details given below are subject to change, and are the latest example of the curriculum available on this course of study.

TitleCodeCredit ratingMandatory/optional
Fluid Mechanics for Aerospace and Mechanical Engineers AERO10421 10 Mandatory
Introduction to Computer Aided Engineering AERO12101 10 Mandatory
Structures 1 (Mech) CIVL10031 10 Mandatory
Electrical Engineering Fundamentals EEEN10492 10 Mandatory
Mathematics 1M1 MATH19661 10 Mandatory
Mathematics 1M2 MATH19662 10 Mandatory
Exploring Enterprise MCEL10001 10 Mandatory
Workshop Practice (Mechanical) MECH10030 0 Mandatory
Design 1 (Mechanical) MECH10331 10 Mandatory
Manufacturing Engineering 1 (Mechanical) MECH11012 10 Mandatory
Mechanics (Mechanical) MECH11602 10 Mandatory
Materials 1 (Mechanical) MECH12002 10 Mandatory
Aerospace and Mechanical Thermodynamics MECH12012 10 Mandatory
Peer Assisted Study Scheme (Mechanical Engineering) MECH19020 0 Mandatory
Displaying 10 of 14 course units for year 1

Course content for year 2

Course units for year 2

The course unit details given below are subject to change, and are the latest example of the curriculum available on this course of study.

TitleCodeCredit ratingMandatory/optional
Fundamentals of Financial Reporting B BMAN10621B 10 Mandatory
Marketing BMAN20832 10 Mandatory
Project Management (Aero/Mech) ENGM22491 10 Mandatory
Mathematics 2M1 MATH29661 10 Mandatory
Workshop Practice (Mechanical) MECH20030 0 Mandatory
Numerical Methods & Computing (Mechanical MECH20042 10 Mandatory
Manufacturing Engineering 2 MECH20051 10 Mandatory
Design 2 (Mechanical) MECH20071 10 Mandatory
Dynamics MECH20442 10 Mandatory
Structures 2 (Mechanical) MECH21021 10 Mandatory
Data Acquisition & Experimental Methods MECH21342 10 Mandatory
Materials 2 MECH22202 10 Mandatory
Fluid Mechanics 2 AERO20121 10 Optional
Applied Thermodynamics (Mechanical) MECH20422 10 Optional
Displaying 10 of 14 course units for year 2

Course content for year 3

Course units for year 3

The course unit details given below are subject to change, and are the latest example of the curriculum available on this course of study.

TitleCodeCredit ratingMandatory/optional
Control Engineering (Mechanical) AERO30021 10 Mandatory
Vibrations (Mechanical) AERO30441 10 Mandatory
Strategy BMAN30022 10 Mandatory
Operations Management ENGM30461 10 Mandatory
Advanced Technology Enterprise MCEL30012 10 Mandatory
Manufacturing Engineering 3 MECH30121 10 Mandatory
Heat Transfer MECH30432 10 Mandatory
Individual Project (Mechanical) MECH31030 30 Mandatory
Design 3 (Mechanical) MECH31041 10 Mandatory
Structures 3 (Mechanical) MECH32002 10 Mandatory

What our students say



The University of Manchester also offers extensive  library and online services  to help you get the most out of your studies.

You will have access to excellent facilities throughout the course, including:

  • Extensive workshop facilities (for workshop practice and manufacture of parts for individual and group projects)
  • Excellent laboratory facilities, including wind tunnels, laser processing laboratories, robotics 
  • Extensive computer cluster equipped with state-of-the-art technical, engineering and design software.

Manchester's Engineering Campus Development, MECD.

Get ready to collaborate, create and innovate in a brand-new £400m purpose-built building which will allow you, our future engineers and material scientists, to come together and make your mark on the world. The Manchester Engineering Campus Development (MECD) will officially open from September 2022 and will include hundreds of flexible teaching and learning spaces with unrivalled world-class research facilities - whatever your inspiration, with MECD the possibilities are endless.

Disability support

Practical support and advice for current students and applicants is available from the Disability Advisory and Support Service. Email: