Master of Science (MSci)

MSci Zoology

Gain invaluable research skills and experience through our four-year course and achieve an undergraduate master's award alongside your BSc.
  • Duration: 4 years
  • Year of entry: 2025
  • UCAS course code: 3F49 / Institution code: M20
  • Key features:
  • Study abroad
  • Field trips
  • Accredited course

Full entry requirementsHow to apply

Career opportunities

The significant research skills and experience you will gain in the Year 4 MSci research project will pave the way for a PhD, as well as preparing you for work in both industry and academia.

Many zoology students go on to work in conservation projects around the world. A number of graduates are now involved in such programmes in the UK and South Africa.

Other popular career choices include working in zoos and museums, and conducting postgraduate academic research.

Find out more about how we help our students prepare for the workplace and the careers our graduates go into within and outside the lab.

Accrediting organisations

This course has Advanced Accreditation from the Royal Society of Biology.

Advanced Accreditation recognises academic excellence in the biosciences, highlighting degrees that contain a significant research element and educate the future leaders of research and development.

The criteria require evidence that graduates meet defined sets of learning outcomes, including gaining substantial research experience.

In recognition of this, a graduate of an advanced accredited course can apply for membership of the Royal Society of Biology at Member (MRSB) level after just two years of practice, rather than the usual three.

These graduates can attain the qualifications of Chartered Biologist or Chartered Scientist one year sooner than graduates from other courses.