Bachelor of Arts (BA)

BA Art History and English Literature

Explore Art History and English Literature from the early Medieval period to the present day.
  • Duration: 3 years
  • Year of entry: 2025
  • UCAS course code: QV33 / Institution code: M20

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Course unit details:
Art History Tutorial 1

Course unit fact file
Unit code AHCP10381
Credit rating 20
Unit level Level 1
Teaching period(s) Semester 1
Available as a free choice unit? No


The Art History Tutorial (1 and 2) comprises two 20-credit course units taught in small groups. Each unit is divided into two sections of 5 or 6 teaching weeks in which students will be introduced to and explore a specific period or area of art history with a tutor whose research expertise lies in that area. Students who complete Art History Tutorial 1 and 2 will, therefore, explore four separate areas or periods of art history, with four different instructors, providing them with an introduction to the diversity of the subject area as well as sound basis for more detailed study in levels 2 and 3 of the degree programme.

Sections may be taught which focus on aspects of: Medieval Italian painting, Northern European Renaissance painting, Renaissance architecture, Modern architecture, Victorian painting, Modernism, Contemporary art, Greek art and Architecture, Photography, Islamic art.


  • To introduce students to specific areas of art historical study with an emphasis on building key art historical skills including formal and contextual visual analysis.
  • To introduce students to the relationship between descriptions and interpretations of artworks
  • To support students in attaining the core academic skills necessary for university-level study of Art History including efficient note-taking, academic writing, dealing critically with academic texts
  • To support students in familiarizing themselves with key resources, such as the Art History and Archaeology library, electronic databases, local art galleries.

Learning outcomes

By the end of this course students will be able to:

Knowledge and understanding

  • Critically describe and analyze works of visual culture and place them in historical context
  • Demonstrate familiarity with the materials and processes of works of visual culture
  • Demonstrate an appropriate range of knowledge of the period or area of art history taught in each section of the unit

Intellectual skills

  • Reflect critically on relevant art historical scholarship
  • Formulate and support arguments based on visual and written source material

Practical skills

  • Take notes efficiently
  • Write at an appropriate academic level
  • Use of footnotes and bibliographies (as indicated in the Art History UG Programme Handbook) correctly
  • Carry out research in the library and on-line using relevant websites and databases

Transferable skills and personal qualities

  • Work independently
  • Prepare assessed and formative material to deadlines
  • Present assessed material in a professional manner
  • Participate constructively in class discussion

Assessment methods

Method Weight
Portfolio 100%

Feedback methods

  • written feedback on assessed work
  • additional one-to-one feedback (during the consultation hour or by making an appointment)

Recommended reading

General  preparatory reading:

Arnold, Dana, Art History. A Very Short Introduction, Oxford, 2004.

Barnet, Sylvan, A Short Guide to Writing about Art, New York, 2003.

D’Alleva, Anne, How to Write Art History, London, 2010.

Newall, Diana, and Grant Pooke, Art History. The Basics, London, 2008.

Pointon, Marcia, History of Art. A Student’s Handbook, London, 1980.

Study hours

Scheduled activity hours
Seminars 33
Independent study hours
Independent study 167

Teaching staff

Staff member Role
Emilia Terracciano Unit coordinator
Charles Miller Unit coordinator

Additional notes

There is an emphasis on embedding skills including academic written English, referencing, taking notes, and the critical evaluation of sources. By expecting students write on a (nearly) weekly basis and receive feedback on their written work regularly throughout the term, we aim to foster an environment in which students will improve these skills through practice in four separate areas of art historical study.

You will be allocated to your seminar group by your administrator.

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