Bachelor of Arts (BA)

BA Philosophy and Religion

Engage with broad philosophical thinking along with religious traditions and beliefs on an interdisciplinary course.

  • Duration: 3 years
  • Year of entry: 2025
  • UCAS course code: VV35 / Institution code: M20

Full entry requirementsHow to apply

How to apply

Apply through UCAS

Advice to applicants

We are looking for applicants who have the predicted A-level grades (or other relevant qualifications) for the relevant degree programme and whose personal statement demonstrates an enthusiasm for the subject.

How your application is considered

We don't normally interview for this degree, except in the case of mature applicants. In considering your application, all the information on the UCAS form is taken into account, particular attention being paid to academic qualifications and predictions, to your referee's confidential report, and to your personal statement.

Returning to education

We welcome applications from mature students. We accept a wide range of qualifications including Access courses.


Deferrals are normally allowed; however, we do ask applicants to let us know as early as possible if they are intending to defer.  This helps us to adjust the number of offers we make, in order to achieve the required number of students in a given year.


If you applied in the previous year and your application was not successful you may apply again. Your application will be considered against the standard course entry criteria for that year of entry.  In your new application you should demonstrate how your application has improved.  We may draw upon all information from your previous applications or any previous registrations at the University as a student when assessing your suitability for your chosen course.If you are applying for a place for the same year of entry through UCAS Extra, you should provide additional evidence of your suitability for the course. If you are applying through clearing you are required to meet the clearing requirements. In both UCAS Extra and clearing the places will be subject to availability.


We will consider applications to transfer to Manchester from other universities and would normally ask for a letter explaining why a transfer was needed, relevant transcripts, a copy of the applicant's UCAS form and a confidential reference from one of the applicant's current university tutors.

We will consider applications to transfer from other degrees within the University of Manchester but applicants are required to have the A-level grades (or other qualifications) needed for entry to that degree programme.

Transfers are subject to our having enough places to accommodate such applicants.    Enquiries should be made to the admissions administrator for the subject (see contact details).