Ireland / Entry requirements
We operate a devolved admissions system and all admissions decisions are made within academic Schools. Admissions staff for individual courses reserve the right to judge the relevance and acceptability of any qualification or subject.
Our admissions staff assess each application holistically and judge whether the content and demand of the qualifications presented will have sufficiently prepared the applicant to progress on to the course they are applying for. Entry requirements will vary from one course to another and compulsory subject requirements may apply. Please refer to the specific entry requirements for your chosen course.
General requirements for undergraduate courses
Students following the Irish leaving Certificate qualification will normally be made an offer based on subject grades at Higher Level as an alternative to three A levels. Please refer to the information below as guidance for grade comparisons to A-level entry requirements:
A*A*A* | A*A*A | A*AA |
H1, H1, H1, H1, H1, H1 | H1, H1, H1, H1, H2, H2 | H1, H1, H1, H1, H2 |
H1, H1, H1, H1 |
H1, H1, H1, H2 |
H1, H1, H2, H2 |
In addition, any subjects required at A-level grade A* or A will need a H1 in that specific subject.
General requirements for postgraduate/research courses
We normally require a First or Upper Second Class Honours Bachelor Degree (Grade 1/2:1, with 60% average) from a UK/Irish University normally in a related/relevant subject/discipline.